Mentoring and learning C++ with Meeting C++

Mentoring and learning C++ with Meeting C++

With this newsletter I'd like to highlight the upcoming opportunities to expand your C++ knowledge with Meeting C++.

Right now you still can get tickets for next weeks Meeting C++ 2024, both for onsite and online! This year the conference has one of its best programs it ever had thanks to 4 keynotes and the C++ committee traveling through Berlin to its next ISO C++ meeting in Wroclaw, Poland!

In the last week of November Meeting C++ hosts 3 trainings where you can learn C++ with world class experts:

C++ Mentoring with Meeting C++

Last week I've announced to start a small mentoring group with a focus on junior devs learning Modern C++. My goal with Mentoring at Meeting C++ is to offer something for those that aren't up to date with the newest things in C++. 1:1 Mentoring is something I've done in the past and I'd like to pick up again with. If you are interested, register your interest in the ticketshop and I'll reach out to you to discuss your needs in learning C++. With Meeting C++ I have a wide range or sources to teach you C++ available. Over time this also will build a knowledgebase of questions folks had.

The program will go into 2025, with slots available for one month. The goal is to run the group for 3 weeks and than take a break of one week until the new month begins.


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