Mentoring 101
Mentoring is a skill. It’s not something you decide to do and CAN do one day out of the blue. It requires discipline for both you as the mentor, as well as the people you are mentoring. It also requires training in compassion, patience, and listening.
Ok, you say that you do listen. Well, I am human, and I’d like to think I do 100% 100% of the time. But? I don’t. And I own that and am aware of that. I still have to practice and acknowledge my stuff. THAT IS huge when it comes to being a good mentor!
Learn what makes you happy! To mentor about a subject you personally hate, sets you both up for failure. And no, you don't know EVERYTHING. Trust me on this one. However, what you do know, want to learn for yourself personally, and what makes you happy? THAT is what you want to be a mentor in. If you hate business, don't be a business mentor!
The first requirement to be a good mentor is to ensure your mentees are willing to do what you task them to do. If they don’t take the arrangement seriously, you are going to waste your time. Therefore, don’t agree to mentor people just because they ask. Try to get more information about their work ethics, etc. I call it a prescreen. I don’t have a lot of time as is and I need to make sure the folks I am working with WANT to be there.
The chemistry MUST be correct! Why? There will be times that your mentee will get pissed about something you said or how you challenged them. Sometimes, they will have outside influences that distract them from why they are with you. This is normal. This is human. As a mentor, you have to be able to pull them back into why they have chosen to work with you. They have to put all skin into the game! Otherwise, they will no succeed for themselves.
??????????????????????????????????????????????Lets DO THIS!
You want to set up rules right from the start. Determine what your responsibilities will be as well as what you expect from the people you mentor. It’s even better if you get this in writing. Recording the responsibilities ensures there are no misunderstandings later.
Define boundaries as much as possible. It’s okay to tell your mentees to call you after work hours once-in-a-while. However, don’t let them call you for every minute detail. Let them know ahead of time for what reasons they can contact you.
Be firm in your expectations. If someone is not living up to what you expect of them, you may need to terminate the arrangement. It’s up to you if you want to give them a second chance.
Your time is valuable, however. Don’t let them take advantage of you. If they aren’t willing to do what you ask, you need to move on.
If you are mentoring for pay, don’t sell yourself short. Mentors are expensive for a reason. Make sure you give great value for the money but expect to be compensated well for your efforts. ?In many ways, your fee is a good litmus test. Those who aren’t willing to fork up the money for your services are not going to be good candidates for mentoring them. You may believe it takes more effort to get high-paying clients, but you would be surprised how this isn’t true.
?If you are good and can back it up, you will easily find people willing to pay your fee.This is another reason why its terribly important to Prescreen well. The one person who fails your program or ends up hating the work can make it hard to get good clients later. Word of mouth is King.
You should develop a decent network of people as a mentor. Good mentors have connections who they can call upon frequently. This ability will only work if you keep in contact with your network. Make time in your schedule to nurture your networking relationships so that you can use them to benefit yourself and the people you mentor.
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Good work today!!!!
Until next time………..
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Living & Thriving with Rustie
2828 S Mccall Rd
Englewood, FL 34224
Rustie shares her personal journey through severe poverty, rape, abuse, & homelessness in a light-hearted way. Her radio Show:?