Mentored by Millionaires: Will you be one of the 10 million new millionaires created in the next few years — all doing ONE THING.

Mentored by Millionaires: Will you be one of the 10 million new millionaires created in the next few years — all doing ONE THING.

According to Paul Zane Pilzer, 10 million new millionaires will be created in the next few years — all by doing ONE THING. Will you be one? Will you take the 4 Year Career Challenge? Discover the one critical secret you have in common with the rich? A secret that turned failures, business coaches, consultant, teachers, ministers, associate professors, employees, and other struggling people and entrepreneurs into multimillionaires.

It may surprise you to learn that over a million people became millionaires last year, and many more are on track to becoming one this year. No, they are not the ones playing the lottery or entering a sweepstakes. However, what might surprise you is how they are going about it. Why? Well, It is something YOU may have considered doing yourself since you were 5 years old but not paid for it. Maybe you have already started. But if you do this “something” right, the payoff can be HUGE... and virtually guaranteed!. Ready?

Are you ready to learn the the master strategies of the rich? The strategies or "power secrets" of the world's most successful people? These strategies have catapulted hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to unimaginable heights of success and wealth. They are not taught in colleges or business schools, but were discovered through personal experience learned from millionaire mentors. Ready to see what a difference it makes for you? You'll soon realize that regardless of your past, your present and future are about to get a lot better!

According to Paul Zane Pilzer, this is the best time to start a new online business or start the right business for you. Are you ready to grow a business built around the new economic order so that you can quickly start living life on your terms as a millionaire entrepreneur?

Here is how you make sure you are one of these millionaires.

The greatest percentage of millionaires were created during the Great Depression. Our new economy is about to produce similar success stories. Want you to be one of them for your sake, for the sake of your children, and for the sake of the world?

 It may surprise you to learn that over a million people became millionaires last year, and many more are on track to becoming one this year. No, they are not the ones playing the lottery or entering a sweepstakes. However, what might surprise you is how they are going about it.

Why this is the best time to start a new business?

These are challenging times. And challenging times call for innovative achievers who have a “revolutionary spirit to create opportunity during difficulty. Entrepreneurs and revolutionaries are really the same kinds of people born into different circumstances. Both see the status quo in need of change, and both are willing to take the risks, and reap the rewards, of changing it.


We honestly believe you could end up being a major turning point in your life. You see, there's never been a better time to be an online entrepreneur. So, why aren’t more people jumping in? Well, it’s because of this seemingly intimidating question that so many people who dream about owning their own business are held back:

How do I start a new business, and once started, how do I quickly make it profitable?

Well, that’s what this is all about. It is a solution to entrepreneurial challenges using millionaire mentors.

World-renowned multimillionaire entrepreneurs and mentors are calling the time we're in right now... The dawn of the "Entrepreneurial Golden Age." It's because, despite what the media are telling you, corporations are NOT laying off people in droves because of the bad economic times. People are being let go because of the technology shift.

It's what economists call "structural unemployment." A newer, better method comes along, and people get pink slips. But companies keep the output of their labor... either in a better method... a better organization chart... or a better machine.

Today's business environment is screaming out for innovative ways of doing things. The world is looking for new, faster, easier, and more effective ways to improve the quality of life we live and to make more profit. Responding to these new needs can be tough, even impossible, for a big, bulky, encumbered corporation — or even for a small business structured along outdated corporate models (which most are).

But for a lean, nimble, unfettered entrepreneur whose business is structured for the NEW economic order, it's so much easier. You can monitor the changing needs of the market and quickly identify and present the product or service that will meet them. As new market demands emerge, you'll be free to immediately adapt your business to them, or even start an entirely new business built around them!

If you can identify a product or service that will help other businesses keep output and profits up while keeping overhead and transaction costs down — if YOU can provide the "newer/faster/better" solution everyone's looking for — then you will be in an excellent position to thrive, prosper, and grow in this or in ANY economy.

So how do you do it? That's where these millionaire mentors come in...

These millionaire mentors are some of the most fascinating people of our time, and some of the most widely respected business minds out there. Major players have personally relied on their business advice and solid business genius.

Some made their first million early in their 20s... some an economic adviser to the presidents of the United States... Some have taught at some of the most prestigious universities in the country... Some are authors of bestselling books on the economy... and has been regularly quoted and featured on the front pages in publications such as The Wall Street JournalThe Economist, and The New York Times. All are extraordinarily successful entrepreneurs.

Now they have marshaled all that incredible knowledge into a totally unique Four-Year-Career -Program that will:

·      Show you the RIGHT BUSINESS for you or the RIGHT WAY to restructure your current business

·      Help you determine when the RIGHT TIME to get started is, and

·      Tell you EXACTLY HOW you need to do it.

The Four-Year Career Program is going to help you make your dreams of profitable, thriving, fulfilling entrepreneurship a reality.

The Four-Year Career Program is unlike anything ever done here before.

It is designed to help you discover the very best business for YOU, and then help you successfully start it and run it profitably... without losing an ounce of your personal freedom. It makes life more rewarding, brings greater satisfaction, and expands your lifestyle. That's because these millionaire mentors teach you how to start your business or grow your current one based on "what you know" and "who you know" — versus starting over in a new and unknown field.

In the Four-Year-Career Program with these mentors helping you'll discover:

·      The skills you must have to succeed as an entrepreneur today

·      Detailed information on how to choose the best business opportunity uniquely suited for you

·      Special insights on what it really takes to start a business today. This is no-holds-barred reality, so you know exactly what you're getting into

·      Powerful real-world-proven advice about how to take an existing business to the next level... including restructuring it and integrating new and future technologies to reduce or eliminate transaction costs and maximize your personal freedoms

·      Inside information on financing, running, managing, and growing your new business

·      Complete information on how to successfully become an "intrapreneur" by combining your existing resources with your personal skills and abilities. (Do this, and you'll create a powerful win-win situation, ensure that you never see a pink slip, and make substantially more money than you could as a regular employee of the company!)

·      And so much more... everything you need to fully participate in the coming "Entrepreneurial Golden Age."

These mentors are not interested in the traditional business model, where you start off small and grow yourself a massive ball and chain, complete with tons of employees, massive overheads, and stifling transaction costs. That model is dying and will soon be no more. No, I'm talking about a lean, robust, hyper-efficient business engine that will not only give you the wealth you're looking for, but the freedom that you haven't found yet.

Here's an outline that's gives you a quick peek into the Four-Year-Career-Program and how it will give you the power to be a successful entrepreneur:

[1]: Why the New Economic Order Favors the Entrepreneur

·      The many benefits of becoming an entrepreneur and taking control of your life

·      Why the most successful entrepreneurs plan their departure from the corporate world instead of being forced out

[2]: An Entrepreneur's Vision of the Economy:

·      The wealth formula behind the main laws of alchemy.

[3]: No Turning Back: The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Lifestyle

·      How to shift your mindset in making entrepreneurial decisions

·      How to deal with mental blocks you might have about making mistakes, fixing them, and then moving on, having learned valuable insights

·      Why putting yourself in your customers' shoes is crucial to becoming a successful entrepreneur

[4]: The Skills Any Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed

·      The entrepreneurial skills you need to be successful and how to master them

·      Why it's important for you to do an honest assessment of your skills and take the time to hone the ones you're missing

·      How these skills go beyond just being a successful entrepreneur

[5]: Social Entrepreneurship (or Entrepreneurs Will Save the World!)

·      How this new era of social entrepreneurship is redefining people's paradigm on what it means to be a successful entrepreneur

·      How to find ways to make your business more socially committed

·      Why every social, environmental, and economic issue that exists in society can be cured through innovative moneymaking entrepreneurial ventures

[6]: Personal Financial Strategies for Entrepreneurs

·      How and why you need to get your own financial house in order prior to starting an entrepreneurial venture

·      Why you should never be embarrassed if you can't pay a bill, and what to do about it

·      Why it's important to keep your eye on your customers' credit standing

[7]: The Best Ways to Finance Your Business

·      How to get financed in an era of tight credit

·      How to solve your health insurance dilemma

·      Why it's crucial to maintain sustainable growth in your business

[8]: Staying Healthy and Wise in Uncertain Times

·      Ways to live a healthy life in a chaotic and uncertain world

·      Why self-preservation is the key — you are the #1 asset to your entrepreneurial venture

·      Why emotional control is a crucial element in successfully running your business

[9]: "The Best Business You Can Start RIGHT NOW"

These are challenging times. And challenging times call for innovative achievers who have a “revolutionary spirit to create opportunity during difficulty. Entrepreneurs and revolutionaries are really the same kinds of people born into different circumstances. Both see the status quo in need of change, and both are willing to take the risks, and reap the rewards, of changing it.

FACT: 9 out of 10 successful entrepreneurs leave their company when things are good?

They don’t wait until times are tough. They don’t wait for the boss to drop the pink-slip bomb on them. They don’t wait for others to control their life.

Instead, they embrace the Four-Year-Career Challenge! They fake action. They stay in control. They move when the opportunity is right, not when things are desperate. Because of this you need to plan your escape today, right now. You really have no choice but to become an entrepreneur. And, The Four-Year Career Challenge shows how millionaire mentors have put together a totally unique program and system that will put you in the right business, help you determine when the right time to get started is, and tell you exactly how to do it.

The-Four-Year-Challenge-Career will help you make that walk to your boss’s office you always dreamed about. For almost three decades, they have been acclaimed as world-famous entrepreneurs.The Four-Year Career also includes an incredible session in which they reveal the best easy-to-launch businesses that hold the greatest potential for profitability and growth right now. They will lead you through all the details and business plan on how you can make this business profitable. For example review the following:

The business can be started rapidly. It is innovative. It is unique. It has an annual profit potential of between $280 to $2500, to $65.000 to $200,000 to $600,000+... and much more than that. This business not only has the potential to make you wealthy, it is totally geared around social entrepreneurship — solving a social problem to make people 's lives better. Your mentor will explain it in detail when you ask.

Understanding the Magic of Compounding Money and Time in the Four Year Career Program

What This Means for Your Business: One of the biggest mistakes people make with this business is giving up way too early. They believe that if they do not make tons of money in the first few months, that this business either doesn’t work or that they are not very good at it. If only they had learned about the power of compounding before this happened, many more would be saved. This report is going to show you how to avoid this trap and, that even if you get a slow start, you can build a very successful business due to the power of compounding. So, first things first. I have a very important question for you.

[1]: The Magic of Compounding Asset Income

Would you rather have 1 Million dollars today or a penny that doubles each day for 31 days?

Read the question one more time slowly and then try to answer it honestly now.

I would guess that your first reaction was a million dollarss right, now right? But then you probably thought there must be a catch so, the penny? Well let’s take a closer look at the power of compounding. Here is what happens during week one.

Week 1








As you can see, even by the end of the first week you are yet to make even one dollar. Crucial point: Compounding takes a while to get going. At first it seems like it is going nowhere. You probably wish you took the million dollarss at this point, right? Well let’s see what happens in week two.

Week 2








Week two is a very different picture. As you can see there has been some terrific gains going from $0.64 to $81.92. Although the actual amount is still not that much we are beginning to see much faster progress. On to week three.

Week 3








By week three you are beginning to see exponential growth. This is when you can really see big gains from your 1 penny investment. Going from $1.63 to over $10,000, however, the real magic happens in the final week.

Week 4








To The 31st of the Month




95% of the money is made in the last week. You can see that your 1 penny investment finished with over $10 Million. 10 x the amount you would have had if you would have taken the one million on day one. The final week went from $20,000 to over $10,000,000. That is the power of compounding. See and Review The Four Year Career Program at Page 58:


Knowing about and understanding exponential growth is going to really help you with your business because this is how your business grows. A job is something where you get paid from day one and a business is something that you build. Let’s relate it to what your business would look like using compounding. The difference this time is that we are going to measure it in months instead of weeks and use people instead of money.

1st Generation                2nd Generation               3rd Generation                4th Generation                     

You                                   4 people                          64 people                         256 people/clients               

Example: each person you sponsor, sponsors 4 people, who sponsor 4, etc. and spends an average of $300 per month purchasing products and services they want and need. Earnings paid are 5% to 10% of the amount the business generates at the rate of $300 x number of people per month.

1st Generation                2nd Generation               3rd Generation                4th Generation                     

You                                   4 people                          64 people                         256 people/clients               

$300                       $1200                     $19,200                $76,800 sales                

X 5%                       x 5%                       x 5%                       x 5%                                       

$15.00                    $60.00                   $960.00                 $3,840.00   Your Earnings     

1st Generation                2nd Generation               3rd Generation                4th Generation                     

You                                   4 people                          64 people                         256 people/clients               

$300                       $1200                     $19,200                $76,800  Sales         

X 10%                     x 10%                      x 10%                     x 10%                       

$30.00                    $120.00                  $1920.00              $7,680.00     Your Income          

5th Generation                6th Generation                            5th Generation               6th Generation

1024 people           4096 people/clients                    1024 people           4096 people/clients

X $300                    x $300                              X $300                   x $300                   

$307,200                $1,228,800                       $307,200              $1,228,800 Sales

X 5%                       x 5%                                  x 10%                    x 10%

$15,360.00             $61,440.00                       $30,720.00          $122,880.00 Earning

See and Review: The Four-Year Career Program at Page 37 to 50:

Asset Value: Remember that in this business the asset value of your business is 200 times your income. Let's say you are earning $10,000 a month from your business. Your asset (the business) has an asset value of $2,000,000. What you need to ask yourself is what would you have to do to create an asset that generates $10,000 per month. With interest rates as they are today, you would need to have purchased real estate or stock that was fully paid off with a value of $2 million. With this business you need only make a few hundred dollar investment and build your asset to a certain income level.

[3]: ESTIMATED MONTHLY SPONSORING and The Magic of Compounding Asset Income

We are also going to split up the year up in to business quarters.

1st Quarter

Month one: 1 person

Month two: 2 people

Month three: 4 people

So, you have taken a leap of faith and started your own business. You have fear, doubts, apprehension and excitement. However, after 3 months of full time work, you still only have 4 people in your entire network. You are making very little money and have put in many hours. Unfortunately, many people quit at this point because they think that it doesn’t work. The truth is that they are doing well. After listening to your business mentor, you stick with it.

2nd Quarter

Month four: 8 people

Month five: 16 people

Month six: 32 people

The good news is that your business mentor explained that you are doing well and to just keep training and getting better. You keep your faith, improve and begin business coaching your own team. In the second quarter your network has grown to 32 people. You are now seeing some money, but it still isn’t what you imagined it would be when you started. On to the 3rd quarter.

3rd Quarter

Month seven: 64 people

Month eight: 128 people

Month nine: 256 people

You keep on studying business, marketing and personal development and realize you absolutely were on the right track. Your skills begin to develop and grow, and you are now finding it all easier and easier. Only now do you truly believe in yourself and the business, which begins to be passed down throughout your whole business.

By the end of the 3rd quarter you are rocking with a network of 256 people. By now you will have a business income that is higher than your expenses and you find that you are financially independent and able to leave your 9-5 job. You now are seeing life through new eyes and the excitement and possibilities grow.

4th Quarter

Month ten: 512 people

Month eleven: 1,024 people

Month twelve: 2,048 people

As we have seen with exponential growth the real magic happens in the last quarter. As you listened and implemented everything your business mentor taught you, your business is beginning to explode going from 256 people to over 2000 people. This is when your monthly income becomes more than you earned in an entire year and surpasses anything you could have dreamed was possible. See and Review: The Four-Year Career Program at Page 37 to 50:

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not saying this is how it is going to happen for every person out there. There are no guarantees made here. I have used it to demonstrate the point that this business grows exponentially and can take time to get going and growing before you see the big successes.

People tend to underestimate what it takes in the short term to get the initial momentum but remember also that people massively underestimate what is possible in the long term if they just stick with it. One last thought to leave you with. Remember you only ever need 4 good people on your team leaders to be become super successful. Hope you found this useful.

In the Four-Year Career, these mentors not only tell you what the best business to start right now, they...

·      Tell you why this business is so hot right now

·      Explain the reasons why this business has not been fully tapped yet

·      Outline the exact profit margins you can expect and what some of the major expenses will be

·      Describe a complete business plan for you to follow so that you can get started making profits immediately

·      Give you an extensive pattern you can use right away to analyze any business idea

·      And more!

Even if this doesn’t appeal to you, then you'll know exactly how to spot other perfect business opportunities that fit you better personally.

This information alone is worth well over $10,000! (In fact, one of their clients is going to be selling this report and coaching session as a stand-alone program soon. You can have an introduction to it today free.)

They will give you just about every detail you need to get started. We have never, ever seen any other program that gives you this kind of business idea detail....

There are 10 million new millionaires in the making right now. Why not be one of them?

As someone with the entrepreneurial drive running through your veins, there's absolutely no better time than right now to start your new entrepreneurial venture... or to kick into high gear the one you've already started.

When most everyone else is still trying to find the "perfect job" inside of Corporate America, you can be acting and living life on your own terms. Right now, you can be setting the foundation for a new life, full of happiness, freedom, and wealth. Plus, I can't think of a more rewarding and satisfying life than making the world a better place to live by putting revolutionary "Social Entrepreneurship" to use right now.

You'll become wealthy along the way. And by "wealthy," you know I mean more than just money... that will happen naturally as you succeed. There has literally never been a better time. The window is open right now. But who knows what the future will hold?

Here's a breakthrough opportunity designed to give you more income than you are worth! This is a practical "how-to" Four-Year-Career-Program that gives you the specifics you need to earn a much higher income.

The goodies in life are yours for the taking if you put things into the right context. As one pundit put it, "Get to Paradise, and Paradise will find a way to support you." If you want to earn far more than you're worth, or at least live a lifestyle that is the equivalent, you need to adopt and maintain the appropriate strategies. This Four-Year-Career-Program is filled with shortcuts you can take and sharp moves you can make.

The mentors don't apologize for them. They are happy to share them, and I am confident that they will work for you. After all, why make earning a high income hard if it can be easy? One way or another, you can start earning the income you dream of if you stop dreaming and start acting with these millionaire mentors! Won’t you let these mentors give you the guidelines you need.

In conclusion …

Remember a house key left on your car seat won't open the door as long as it sits on your seat. And yet, when picked up and placed into the door's lock and turned, it will open the door every time. The same is true here. Use these mentors, their keys, their master strategies of the rich, and they'll open doors that you have never even dared to approach, much less open.

Let me suggest to you: print this out. I know it’s long, and will eat a lot of paper, but it will pay you back anytime you find yourself on the other end of a success. And trust me. That can happen at just about any time. And let me repeat: while this advice is directed towards entrepreneurs, anyone can benefit. Networkers, Entrepreneurs. Accountants. Mothers. School principals. You name it, we all must negotiate.

Quick Question: What is your next step?

We have something that could possibly be a fit for you in the Four-Year-Career-Program. It will not take away from anything you are currently doing. If I text you a short link on "How We Generate Cashflow to Pay Us What We are Worth" would you listen to it in the next 24 hours? Please send me your cell number. It's your time; let's get started.

To your remarkable success,

Professor Michael Kissinger 

Business Development Director 

Profit Builders Inc.

Phone: 415-678-9965 

Email: [email protected]  

6000 Mission Street, Daly City, California 94014

Linked In 

PS. If you join us, you'll not only create an income for yourself, you'll create a career. You'll create freedom you'll enjoy. You'll touch lives. You'll meet incredible people. You'll see incredible places. You'll contribute to worthy causes. You'll become a better person. You'll learn how to face your fears, solve problems, feed your mind with positives and protect your mind from negatives, grow stronger and how to lead. All you need do is agree to do is earn BIG MONEY and become the next millionaire with The 4 Year Career Program

PPS. Offer for you to consider earning $10,000+ a month:

Example of offer: If the company paid you $500 for every person you invite, would you invite them?

1.      To take a look at this opportunity

2.      You must have a tool ready to give them t look at this opportunity

3.      You have to have a personal conversation with them to see if they will take a look

4.      The prospect does not have to say “Yes.”

5.      You have to ask 1 person a day to look at opportunity without exception

6.      If you don’t do this, this opportunity is never available to you again.

7.      There are no excuses for not doing this as agreed

8.      To get the $500 you must invite 1 person 7 days a week

9.      That is $15,000 per month

Let's discuss what you think of this offer example.

Performance OFFER: Can you and will you do and complete the following actions without exception?

1.      Personally invite 1 person a day, 7 days of the week.

2.      Do 2 presentations a week for 52 weeks without exception

3.      Enroll 3 business builders a month for 52 weeks without exception

4.      Work the business for 2-4 years without exception

5.      In the first 2 years invite 700 people-1 every day no exceptions

6.      In the second 2 years lead, inspire, train, coach and build out the deeper generation.

7.      At the end of 2-4 years, earn $10,000+.

8.      Understand the Value of Invitations:

a. If you are earning $10,000+ your business is worth $2,000,000 as an asset.

b. You will have invited 700 people to join us

c. Each invite will be worth $2,857.14

Conditions: You must understand the Formula for completing this agreement




2 plus 2





The Formula Explained and Conditions: Will you for $10,000+ a month with no exceptions do the following?

1.      Personally invite 1 person a day, 7 days a week to join our business?

2.      Do at least 2 presentations a week?

3.      8 Presentations a month for 12 months?

4.      Personally enroll at least 3 people per month for 2 years;

5.      Then lead, coach, and inspire people for the remaining 2 years;

6.      At the end of 2-4 years, earn $10,000.

7.      If you are earning $10,000 your business is worth $2,000,000 as an asset.

8.      You will have invited 700 people to join us

9.      Each invite will be worth $2,857.14

Conditions: Things you must do without exception to complete this agreement:

1.      Your 4 year career opportunity doesn’t start until you are enrolling on a regular basis.

2.      Personally invite 1 person a day, 7 days a week to join our business?

3.      You must personally enroll people who declare “I get it.” “I’m doing it.”

4.      In order to find 3 or 4 people who are going to actually do it…you will must personally sponsor 30 to 100 people to get 3 or 4 leaders.

5.      Do at least 2 presentations a week?

6.      Enroll 3 business builder a month?

7.      Work at this for at least 2-4 years with no exceptions?

8.      Create a monthly income of $10,000 a month

9.      Create a $2,000,000 annually business asset

10.  Thus inviting 700 people for at least 2 years

11.  Thus, creating the value of $2,857.14 will personally sponsor 30 to 100 people

12.  Find 3 or 4 leaders who are going to personally do it themselves

Business Value Calculation:

1.      If you invite 1 person a day for 2 years you will have invited 700 people.

2.      If you build a business worth $2 million and then divided it by 700 people.

3.      The results for each invitation has a worth $2,857.14

 Conditions: Reasons People will not do or complete this offer. You must be able to overcome them.

1.      They claim I don’t know who to talk to.

2.      They claim they do not know where to find prospects?

3.      They claim I am not sure how to do the presentation

4.      I’m afraid people are going to say “no.”

Update Adjustment: 5+ plans per week in width and depth to be on track for your goals. Recommend acquire a Smart Phone. Use the prospecting system in place with the Heads Up texts. Use the Connect 21 app. Send the Take Ownership Video. Then and follow through every 24 hrs using the Contact Spread sheet. " It's Not What Works It's What Duplicates!!" It starts with doing 3 Plans this week and doing this every week until the goal is accomplished!

If you are in agreement and believe you can complete the terms and conditions of this offer let's meet. Let's discuss if you qualify as one of our Champion team members. You will then be advised on whether you have been accepted a candidate for our team. Before you decide or contact us listen to: The Secret Formula For Success--  

PPS. Note: One of my mentors is Paul Zane Pilzer is a Nobel Prize winning economist, a professor, a much-sought and highly-paid consultant, author of 10 best-selling books. Paul Zane Pilzer. The Next Trillion Dollar Industry - Wellness. He is the author of ten books and dozens of scholarly publications that can help you become more successful and wealth.

Pilzer completed Lehigh University in three years and received his MBA from Wharton Business School in 15 months at age 22. He became Citibank’s youngest officer at age 22 and its youngest vice president at age 25. He was appointed a professor at New York University at age 24 where he taught for 21 years and was five times voted “best teacher.” He has started, and/or taken public, six companies in healthcare and K-12 education.

In healthcare, he is the Founder of Extend Health (1999) and Zane Benefits (2006), suppliers of personalized health benefits to U.S. employees in every state. Extend Health was acquired by Towers Watson in 2012 for $435 million.

In education, he is the Founder of Zane Publishing (1989), The American Academy (2005), and Zane Prep (2011), three leading companies using technology to improve K-12 education worldwide.

In public service, he was an appointed economic advisor in two U.S. presidential administrations (1983-1989) and today advises CEOs and government officials worldwide. Pilzer’s book on government financial crisis, Other People’s Money (Simon & Schuster), was critically acclaimed by The New York Times and The Economist magazine.

Pilzer’s Unlimited Wealth (Crown) explains how we live in a world of unlimited physical resources because of rapidly advancing technology. After reading Unlimited Wealth, the late Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, said that he was “amazed at Pilzer’s business capacity” and his “ability to put it into layman’s terms.”

Pilzer’s God Wants You to be Rich: The Theology of Economics (Simon & Schuster) explains how the foundation of our economic system is based on our Judeo-Christian heritage. This New York Times business best-seller has been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and on television shows worldwide.

Pilzer’s The New Wellness Revolution (Wiley) identifies the newly emerging wellness industry. For this book Pilzer received an Honorary Doctorate in Public Service and was called a “wellness guru” by The New York Times.

Pilzer’s The Next Millionaires (Momentum Media) explains why the number of millionaires doubles each decade and how ordinary people can become one of them.

Pilzer’s The New Health Insurance Solution (Wiley) is a primary resource worldwide for government policymakers seeking to make employer-sponsored health benefits portable and more affordable.

A former commentator on National Public Radio and CNN, Pilzer has been profiled on the front page of The Wall St. Journal and on the cover of more than 100 magazines. He speaks live each year to approximately 200,000 people and more than 20 million copies of his speeches have been sold. He lives in Utah with his “best asset,” his wife Lisa and their four children, where they are all avid snowboarders, mountain bikers, and chess players. See:



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