A mentor talks.
He is about 9, looks less and has the longest eyelashes in the world. His self assured manner makes me marvel at him. The urge to pick him up and plant a big puchhie on each cheek is almost overwhelming. I don't but.
Well, in the writing programme, Abhimanyu was struggling to get the right idea for his story. His mind was teeming with ideas. Some bizarre, some cute and some mystery stories were trying to find shape.
One day I sat with him and we discussed bullies - why they do what they do.He had valuable insight to offer - about how they bully a weak person and continue to do so till they get a reaction from him. The minute the victim stops reacting, the bullying becomes boring.
Much impressed, I suggested he write a story around this theme- the setting being a school bus. I was pretty proud of what had emerged from the discussion and looked victorious.
He smiled at me, batted those eyelashes and left me clutching at my heart ??
Then when he finally pitched his story to the group after a few hours of mulling, I was left collecting my jaw from the floor.
The little tyke set it in 2216. He told someone (a senior) very authoritatively that there are a zillion ways to begin a story and asked if he could begin his by introducing a concept about a different sort of wormhole. Well, since his story was about war and it just might be inter galactic. Why not?
What can I say. I'm over! Old! Done! Nine year old's and wormholes and inter galactic wars? Hahaha!
#marvellouschildren #thankyougod #lovemywork #DelhiPublicSchoolRajNagar