A Mentor & Molder Of Men

A Mentor & Molder Of Men

During my rebranding for gamechangerscanada.com

I realized my blog from our previous website didn't transfer over, as most of the posts are also here on LinkedIn. I chose to repost only one which came from the heart on Saturday April 7th just hours after learning of the Humboldt Broncos bus tragedy that changed the lives of 29 on board including the loss of Darcy Haugan.

They say we don't meet people by accident, we are meant to cross paths for a reason. Some people enter our lives for a brief time, while others the special people, stay connected forever.  


Personally and professionally I call these special people "GameChangers" and I try to cherish my in person time with these people no matter how short it is. One of those people is Darcy Haugan, although our short time working together and hanging out would be considered a blip on most people's radars I fondly look back at my memories in Peace River and what became my final year as a play by play announcer as one of the voices of the Navs along with Damien Gnass.


Unlike my friends and fellow gamechangers Tarcy Schindelka and Brahm Hurwitz better known by their radio names Tarcy Young and Kenny Trenton I didn't have the chance to announce hockey on CKYL radio as the station had decided not to continue with carrying games going into the 2006-2007 season.  


This news was very disappointing as I had just come from a disasterous season as the voice of the Kindersley Jr. Klippers in the SJHL and was looking forward to announcing another season. Although I still was Sports Director (The Last at Peace River Broadcasting)  After multiple chats with station management the word came directly from ownership that I would not be calling games on the radio.


Current KIX Morning Host Damien Gnass had worked colour commentating for Kenny and wanted to discuss another idea on how we could announce hockey games this season. He said that Darcy Haugan wanted to meet with us to talk about a business opportunity to cover the Navigators.  The meeting went well and it was agreed that Gnass and I would look into options on how to get the hockey games broadcasted for the out of town fans.  


Together we worked with Darcy on a business model that would compensate all involved, unfortunately due to the unknown financial distress from title sponsor Peace Air, the compensation ultimately ended up being a Navigators touque.  The running joke with my wife is I had the most expensive touque in the world as the compensation would've equalled close to $10,000.


Regardless of how the financial side worked out, my working and non working relationship with Darcy was something I will never forget.  Unlike previous coaches and hockey people that I had worked with, Darcy understood all aspects of the organization and made sure his coaching staff, players and himself were available for any type of opportunity that was best for the Navs.  Darcy was also the 1st person to respect my knowledge and treat me as an equal no matter if I had never played the game at a higher level then pick up. 


No matter how the last game went, Darcy never missed an interview opportunity to share his insight on what could've gone better or what they expect for the next game. It was this mindset that helped me grow not only as an announcer, sports director, writer and ultimately a person.  


Unfortunately it was what tragically took Darcy away from us, was the most enjoyable experiences I had with him. There was something about getting on the bus for a roadie that allowed him relax. We would get on the bus at the Arena and then start the pick up party all the way to our destination, stopping to grab players along the way.  From Mitchy, Kerrzy, Bomber, Feds, Scottie, Kinz, the Coatesy Boys and others, we would grab the players they would take their time, and Darce would yell for them to hurry up and then we would be off. 


While Gnass and I were going over stats and the storyline for the night's game. Darce would take off his jacket and shoes kick his feet back in his sweats and chat with Fosty, Rick and Gnass and I about all sorts of non Navs items. From the crappy drivers on the highway, current Red Wings season, the upcoming Tigers season and when do we think the local courses will be open this year so he can school both Gnass and I on the links.   The bus was his time away from the hustle of work at Kal Tire, running the Navs, being a husband to his beautiful bride Christina. Who we both agreed that he married up a weightclass, and being a dad, which was something we both had in common.  


On the bus, he was one of the boys and just seemed to find solitude in that time. Unlike most coaches, Darcy was able to connect with each and every male on that bus, but also maintain the authority of leadership.  But he wasn't the boss because he told you so, he led by example and regardless of decisions or actions in the heat of the moment, he ultimately had the respect, admiration and love from each and every person that he affected in the hockey world. 


I kick myself for not staying in better contact over the years, and it pains me that we didn't have a chance to connect over the past 12 years, but when I found out that he was being named the New Coach and GM of the Humboldt Broncos I reached out through Christina's social media to send my congratulations and well wishes on his career advancement.  


He came into Humboldt with a winning pedigree through mulitple league and provincial championships with the now North Peace Navigators, and was in the process of bringing the Broncos back to glory in just 3 short years.  Darcy could've easily moved up the hockey ranks and secured a position in the CHL and eventually the show. 

But as much as Darcy had an unbridled passion for hockey, he always put his family 1st and with his mom and dad in Peace River along stay with the Navigators maintained the family bond for Christina and his sons. With Christina's family in Saskatchewan a move back to the land of living skies was a logical choice. As a friend and former player says


"Darc was more than a great coach to us he was a molder of men"

As tears are in my eyes, I will close by sharing the words from The North Peace Navigators on their official facebook page. "Darcy will be truly missed by so many people and everyone that knew him has suffered a great loss. May the families of the young men taken find some peace in the fact that Darcy would have cradled your sons in his arms and helped guide them to God in their final moments. These boys were not alone but will continue to be guided by Darcy. We will always miss you Darcy.Humboldt Broncos Jr 'A' Hockey Club#humboldtbroncos#DarcyHaugan"


#humboldtstrong #hauganstrong #navs4ever


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