Mentor Magazine April 2023
World Innovation and Creativity Day: Redefining Creativity and Innovation in the Field of Education.
The idea of education is to build a better tomorrow. Oxford Presentation School believes in a comprehensive system of education that will help develop children into well-groomed personalities and channel their inherent talents that will encourage the thought process and reasoning, which would gear children to be logical, analytical, practical, creative and innovative. Believing in the theory of imparting education with an emphasis on “Learning through experience” will redefine how we educate our students. The School’s methodology concentrates first on the student’s aptitude, and then on the skills and knowledge she/he needs to acquire. Traditional education tends to value a limited range of knowledge and skills, but more recent research suggests that intelligence is not unitary but multiple......[Read more]
Emotional & Social Skill Building at Schools :
The pandemic left us with many questions about what skills will be required for young people to navigate this technology-loaded world, where virtual reality and social media are centre stage. I wish the answer was simple. There has been continuous debates, a not-so-savvy generation who is struggling to find a way. The youth is tech savvy, using it for education, entertainment, simulation, pleasure and fulfilling many of their emotional and social needs. Online communities are a rage and they have a strong influence on people’s lifestyles and selfimage. Socio-cultural changes have always impacted human behaviour and ......[Read more]
Prime Minister Modi, while unveiling the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, remarked that “The NEP will bring about fundamental changes in the education set up from pre-nursery to PhD (research), as the need of the hour is for a multi-dimensional approach to become globally competitive and locally productive.” The NEP envisages an education system that will transform India into an equitable and dynamic knowledge society by imparting high-quality education to all. With a vision to make India a ‘Global Knowledge Superpower’ in the 21st century, it highlights the need to reform and transform the legacy of traditional to modern education in schools as well as the higher education system. The NEP 2020 has tried to align the national vision into an operative mission. The policy framework, therefore, emphasises the need to develop the ‘foundational capacities’ and ‘cognitive capacities’ in every individual. It also ......[Read more]
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