Does yoga and wellness practice exist in the metaverse? ? YES, and one of its pioneers is Christine Lewis, a.k.a. The Yoga Boss.???

I love Christine’s mindset:

“Anything that we create, anything that we want to share with the world, anything that we believe we can offer to influence, impact, and change the lives of the people we touch, we can now put that into a global space.”

The Yoga Boss joined me on Goddess of Crypto recently to share how she came to embrace that perspective.

?Christine, how and when did you start creating a “global yoga studio” in the metaverse?

?“The funny part is when I first started teaching yoga in 2009, I had this vision of sharing yoga and meditation with 1 billion people around the world. I never knew how that was going to happen because I was very low-tech at that point in my life.?

In 2021, I had a longtime yoga client who started a Tech Runs DAO here in Miami.”

[Halle hint: a DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, where everybody who participates in the community gets a voice in shaping the organization.]

“He wanted yoga and mindfulness as part of his DAO, so I started teaching for that community.? When I understood the potential of these organizations, it hit me:? we ought to have a Yoga DAO, and somehow use the Web3-metaverse-crypto space to offer wellness, mental health, meditation, and yoga to a global community that obviously has a desperate need for these services.

“Especially during the pandemic, yoga teachers were essentially out of work because most yoga studios shut down.? And people were doing more online work.? This led me to wonder:? what can we do to create a space where yoga and meditation teachers have an opportunity to share their gifts, skill sets, and offerings on a global platform, so they’re not limited to serving only their local community?

“Then I started hearing a lot about gamification in the Web3 space.? (The idea here is that anything that you consume, do, or contribute, you’re getting a reward for.) ? I wanted people to feel incentivized to take care of themselves.? So, my vision for Yoga DAO evolved to being a community where everybody wanted to raise the vibration and feel more connected with the other people drawn to this experience.”?

So, the community of Yoga DAO is incentivized to participate because they share a central purpose?

“Yes. But it’s bigger than that.? The magic of DAOs is that everything is open source. It’s a trustless system, so it’s proof of work. Whatever contribution you make, whatever you’re doing, everybody sees it.??

“That transparency creates a sense of ownership. I don’t know of any other space where you can feel that if you have an idea, you put that idea out in the world that you know from creation, inception, to the communication of that idea that it is tracked directly to you and no one else can take ownership.? It is obvious that what you’ve created is yours.??

?“I don’t think women in this country (let alone people of color) have ever had the ability to feel that sense of security about what they’re creating and what they’re offering.”???

Agreed.? That is such a game-changer.

“Yes.? Everyone has something amazing that they have the potential to offer to the world, yet a lot of people are discouraged because they don’t feel like they’re going to be recognized for the time, effort, and energy that they invest.? By contrast, in Yoga DAO, we’re all able to track the work that we’re putting out, where it’s going, who’s using it, and then we immediately get the compensation from it.

“There’s no middleman.? We become owners.??

“That’s why I encourage people to create in the Web3 space, because if it’s something of value, somebody is going to support you in doing it.? Please don’t ever hesitate to think your idea is too big, that it’s not going to happen or too small or that that’s not significant.? We all have something to offer. And frankly, if you don’t offer it, you’re almost robbing the world of your gifts. The time is now. Take advantage of it.”


?I couldn’t agree more.? So share this knowledge with others, because the Web3 space will only be shaped by women if we participate and create in it. ? One small way to do that is share this newsletter with a friend who loves yoga!?

And I TOTALLY encourage you to check out the full conversation, because Christine gives me the inside scoop on many of the cool ways she will be bringing yoga and meditation to Web3.? You don’t want to miss this!

To access the full episode, just click here:




