Mental Welfare Commission publishes good practice guide on designing LGBTQ+ inclusive services
Mental Health Today
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In August, the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland published an updated LGBTQ+ good practice guide for staff working in mental health wards, community services, and primary care services. The report aims to raise awareness of good practice regarding the complexity of individual relationships to sexuality, gender, and sex, as well as highlight the subjective experiences of LGBTQ+ people and how this may present in clinical spaces and their community services.
Previous research by the Mental Welfare Commission has replicated numerous other research papers showing that LGBTQ+ people are considerably more likely to experience mental health challenges, especially severe anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, compared to the general population. For instance, it was found that people from these communities are much more likely to have suicidal ideation and rates of self-harm: 20-25% compared with 2.4%. Additionally, further analysis established that almost 60% of trans people and 27% of LGB people reported that they have experienced a lack of understanding of their needs through their experience of healthcare services.
In directly addressing the latter point on the accessibility of services and aiming to ameliorate the former conclusions concerning the rates of mental health conditions, the Mental Welfare Commission co-produced the updated guide with the Scottish ‘LGBT Health and Wellbeing’ charity. The document includes practical recommendations for making services more reflective of LGBTQ+ experiences and, therefore, more multidimensional in how it understands the needs, supports, and communicates with specific individuals.
Promoting straightforward dialogue in clinical settings and developing an inclusive framework of support in Scotland – what can the rest of the UK learn from the guide?
The guide details how simple discursive and practical changes to how professionals in mental health and social care engage with individuals have the potential to create an overall more inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ people. For instance:
Suzanne McGuinness, executive director of social work at the Mental Welfare Commission, summarised the content of the guide and its utility for practitioners. She said:
“While giving practical advice on real-life situations, the guide recognises that LGBT people are a diverse community who at times experience prejudice, whether intentional or not, and inequalities […] We hope this guide will help equip mental health and social care professionals with the information they need to provide the best possible care and support to LGBT people.”
“Key points are to focus on the individual who is in our care, taking their lead from how they describe themselves and their identity, and to make sure the environment is supportive.”
Master of Social Work - MSW at Arizona State University
2 年Excellent ??
2 年I need a chance to speak out to the government about what is really on due to having research extensively to save my life I have every bit of evidence needed for neglect uneducated titles the list is endless but I’m worth saving every one is I just need a helping hand to get there because what I have to say will benefit sufferers stakeholders titles who have a duty of care but don’t even though our rights are written in the guidelines.I can’t keep challenging I’m exhausted I want to survive this so after reading about all these opportunities I need someone to give me a chance as I know what is going on why and how we can help fix it to avoid all this suffering right now billions are being spent on rehabs etc and it just goes round and round why? Because people are being Mis diagnosed left to fend for themselves hence all the awful destruction going suicides well I can be a huge help but I’m still hidden suffering when I should be made use of this huge problem.I can’t email anyone than I already have I need serious people to contact me so I can share my experiences which are all included in this government ruling and alike.I pray someone can help save a sufferer who can also help and gain the strength I need to live as best I can.
2 年I need help now I have tried most of the uk to help me try and live a healthier lifestyle i need support from somewhere every thing I do and have done for two years has just made me beg for my life using my rights but I’m still suffering who can help and understand severe adhd adhd and the problems my health is suffering day by day I just don’t know where to turn right now
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2 年beautifully put ??