Mental Strength Tip: Get Clear On Where You’re Going
Gregg Swanson, PCC, NLP
Helping High Performers Master Their Mindset?? Unlock Peak Performance & Achieve True Fulfillment!
Have you ever felt that there’s just not enough time in the day? Most often, when we run out of time for projects or pursuits, the reason is that we’ve spent a lot of time lost in ambiguity.
When you’re supremely clear about where you’re going and what you want to do, there’s no time lost. Your actions are clear & precise, and you can make an AMAZING amount of progress in just a short period of time.
Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to eliminate the time-management nightmare.
1. Plan your work.
Take a few moments to determine where you’re going and how you plan to get there. You don’t have to know all the steps or details; just write down the basic outline as you can see it.
2. Gather your resources.
Get your tools in order. Make sure you have food & water and anything else you need to get started. What do you need to do this job right? Get it.
3. Work your plan.
Give yourself a deadline, then follow your outline step-by-step. If you get lost or distracted, come back to your outline and see what’s next.
Before long, you will have a finished product or project, and plenty of time to relax or do something else…like stare out the window for 20 minutes.
What are YOU going to do TODAY?
Gregg Swanson is a peak performance consultant and human potential coach and has authored several books and numerous articles on peak performance. Gregg specializes in developing mental strength in individuals that desire to reach their full potential. He has developed a unique online training program “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.” You can also pick up your free eBook,” Why Change is So Hard” by going HERE.