Mental Illness Affects the Whole Family
The writing of An Unexpected Visitor was prompted by my work as a Family Advocate helping families identify community resources and better understand our existing mental health system. I always recall how overwhelmed I felt when first learning of my son’s mental illness. Not only was my life disrupted, but the lives of my younger son and my husband were disrupted as well. We all struggled with this new person in our family. Our oldest son was so changed by his illness, he was unrecognizable.
People calling in for direction are many times emotionally exhausted by the demands of finding appropriate help, maintaining the household, keeping from being distracted at their place of employment, supporting other family members in the household as well as other demands life makes. When they call, I hope to be a soft place where they can land. Knowing that there is someone who has been through the wringer and has found a way to have a life with joy and peace, brings them hope.
Many individuals live happy, fulfilled lives with a diagnosis of mental illness. Just as with physical illnesses, through proper care and treatment, symptoms can be managed. And, just as with physical illnesses, there are degrees of severity in mental health disorders.
This book is a quick guide for common concerns faced when someone you love has a mental illness. Know, that you are not alone and others are there to help.