Mental Health is your Mental Strength
It’s ok not to be ok! Let’s celebrate that. But how do you convey it when you’re going for a new job? How can you change the stigma around fear of employing someone who has “mental health history”?
Dealing with your own mental health whilst in its grips is a full-time job, it’s exhausting, and in some cases debilitating. Pretty much like making love to a gorilla - it’s not over until the gorilla says it’s over! Coming out the other side of an episode, phase or even panic attack brings its own worries;
“How do I explain it to colleagues, friends, family?” “What if it happens again?” “Will I be able to hold down my/a job?” “What if I go for a new role or promotion, do I tell them?”
Never has it been more important to talk about your strengths…… yes that’s right, your MENTAL STRENGTHS.
Take a moment to let these words sink in; Resilience, Change Management, Decision making, Initiative, Perseverance, Problem solving, Vision, Self-Motivation, Goal Setting, Meeting Deadlines, Persistence, Internal dialogue, Winning, Focus.
For anyone who has gone through mind meddling, stand tall! You have dealt with something superhuman and the resilience it takes to do that is enormous.
Take time to look at each of the competences above. You have covered each one in depth, possibly over and over again, you may be an expert at it by now. Remember that when asked in your interview; “What are your strengths?” “Give me an example of when you have had to show resilience?” And numerous other questions. You are the strongest person you know, and we wish you the very best in your new role!