Mental Health Well Being in the workplace
Talking about Mental Health isuues really does help

Mental Health Well Being in the workplace

Today is #MentalHealthAwarenessDay with the focus being on Mental Health in the workplace.

It is great that there is definitley a greater awareness, and there is so much that can be done - which starts with Talking.

I like to think of Mental Health in terms of Well Being, and that when we are creating awareness, we are realy talking about how to maintain or regain a positve Mental Health. When Mental Health issues are compromising your well being, and creating stress, anxiety, depression and physical illness, and affecting your ability to function at work, or generally in life, then action needs to be taken. It is not weak at all to seek help. Speak to someone you trust, or use the many helplines available from the terrific organisations out there.

A staggering 137 MILLION working days were lost in 2016 due to sickness or injury in the UK - 15.8 million due to Mental Health Issues Source: Office for National Statistics. There are also days of low productivity, before days off are even taken, or from someone returning to work too soon after illness.

So what can You do?

Firstly we are all responsible, for ourselves, and for each other; so ask each other how you're doing? Take time to have team meetings where the focus is on Mental Health and Well Being in the workplace, and come up with solutions together. Have a champion, or champions, trained in Mental Health first aid. Make the culture one of it being OK, to sometimes not be ok, encourgae the conversations.

Offer flexible working hours to someone you know is struggling. Promote phased return to work after illness. Have Mentors or Work Buddies, for those needing extra support.

Encourage exercice. Maybe do a charity event together, where everyone can have a role. Have lunch away from the desk or work station! There is evidence to show that standing desks have health benefits. Introduce plants, healthy snacks and better lighting. Have team building days, or family events, I did a workshop recently with work colleagues who could not remember the last time they had all spent a day together.

All employees and especially those struggling with their Mental Health, want to feel valued, and heard - so encourage talking and do listen! If you do not have an HR department, maybe think about bringing in a consultant, or offering Mindfulness and Workshops on Confidence and Motivation, or stress management. It is very worth the effort and time, and is proven to increase productivity, reduce sick time, and leads to a happier more positive loyal workforce. Look after each and every member of the workforce, including Yoursef - it really pays to.

There are an endless, very good organisations with Helplines, text lines and websites and leaflets and posters full of information, and contact details. Some are: Mind; Young Minds; Anxiety UK; CALM; HeadsTogether, Mental; Time to Change; SANE; Re Think Mental Illness and Mental Health Matters - there are more, and some specific to Mental Health illnesses like Schizophrenia - find what works for your workplace.

You can also sign up for the Employer Pledge - a scheme that encourages a lot of what has been mentioned - check out the link

Employer Pledge



Thank you for reading. If I can help you in any way, then please do get in touch, or if you would like information on the workshops I run, or if you want to know what the eggs are about!

Manjit Sohal

Photographer | telling your story in photographs | Headshots | Personal Branding | Business Stories. Attract your ideal client with photography that aligns with your brand.

7 年

A little group :D Love it!



