Mental health a taboo topic in our society!

Now a days we read so much about mental health awareness in different forums. I watched "Dear Zindagi" movie the other day. A beautiful movie with a beautiful message to our society.Why as a society are we reluctant to recognize mental health problem and remove societal stigma attached to it ? Also there are not sufficient number of competent professionals around to seek help from. Studies have shown that our social relationships and our mental and physical health matter most for our happiness. I have seen numerous instances where people make fun of a person who is mentally not well; but do not help the person seek the right help.

Brain is the most complex and vital organ as it controls emotions as well as many other viral functions of the body. While we run to doctor for small health issues , why are we reluctant to go and seek help for emotional and behavioral problems?

Today's society and lifestyle throws at us numerous problems from childhood to adulthood. The stress of academic excellence, building a good student career bogs down children.As adults, we face stress in interpersonal relationships at home or work, loss of loved ones,loss of job, illness of loved ones' or our own, loneliness,living away from family for a long period of time. All these and many more can be triggers for poor mental health at one point of time or continue for an extended period. How do we approach the problem?

Recognize the problem :The first step is for an individual to recognize and accept the problem.Many people would not be willing to accept the problem. If they do, then they do not want to seek help for it.Its perfectly all right to feel low at times . One needs to find the cause for the same and address it the right way.

Seek the right kind of help: I have seen instances where people would rather talk to an escort agent than a therapist for their frustrations. We have the option to discuss with close family and friends whom we trust ;on the emotional issues, frustrations that loom in our life. Taking the right help from qualified therapists is the option one should pursue. Once in a while everyone of us needs a push to come out of negativity into sunshine.

Extend help : When we see people struggling with such issues, let us extend a helping hand as near and dear ones, and as part of larger community and society. If we help a person recognize the problem , accept it and seek help ; we are helping shape a life. The immediate family members of a person play a big role in recovery as they are involved in day to day life and can provide help.

Start young : There is an initiative to give young people the knowledge and skills to monitor and manage their own mental well-being and to include mental health awareness in school curriculum. This definitely is a step in the right direction. Young children can be molded the way we train them. If they perceive that there is nothing wrong in seeking help for such issues , when they become adults they won't see any stigma associated to mental health problems. As a society, we would be more open to accept such problems and address them.

Professional help: There is severe lack of qualified professionals to seek help from. There are only 43 government mental health hospitals to provide services for the estimated more than 70 million people living with psychosocial disabilities. For every 1 million people, there are three psychiatrists, with psychologists even more scarce. The picture is even more grim in rural areas.

                                                Every now and then we need some guidance, motivation and that little push to move forward in life. The young girl in the movie "Dear Zindagi" walks in to the office of a therapist to seek help for her problems. The therapist helps her look at the real issues and deal with them.A mental health professional does that and much more for us. He/she listens to us, our experiences, fears, traumas without judging and helps us find the right solution . When we seek help for other problems in life; why not for one which affects our mental well being?

 I was reading an article on an Octogenerian lady M C Pankaja, co founder of Prasanna counselling center in Bangalore who has helped thousands of distressed minds over last 36 years and still does. Obviously, her calling is much more evolved than an average person. This presents a professional avenue for young people who want to help people and society .

As a society let us be more open to accept people with mental health care needs and provide empathy. Every one has the right to live life to the fullest and let us be open and receptive towards it !

Live life and love life!

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Snigdha Dash

Vice President at Barclays, Ex-Kyndryl/IBM/Tech Mahindra, ITIL Expert, PRINCE2 Practitioner, Project Manager, Delivery Manager

7 年

very rightly mentioned.



