Mental Health
It has been completely accepted for centuries that a person’s physical health is a fragile component in living a long and active life. Performing strenuous physical tasks repeatedly, a physical trauma or even a continuously bad diet will all contribute towards a high potential for reduced life expectancy and while this is fundamental, it is nothing without a person having a good state mental health is essential in ensuring that a person can enjoy life to its fullest extent.
While mental health has such a pivotal role in a person’s experience of life, it has been historically slow to accept by society due many taboos that have had to be challenged to break down the associated barriers and stigma.
Additionally, mental health can be degraded more subtlety than physical health due to its inherent lack of tangible cause; while not even a bruise is left for the eye to see, a scar can be left hidden.
The recent World Mental Health Day brought focus on the need for ongoing education for all so that those in need are aware of the support available and its accessibility.
Skillnet recognise the significance of ensuring its workforce has the best mental health possible.
Benefits from a business perspective are clear but we feel that empathy and flexibility are the core principals for laying the groundwork to allow any affected employee the best chance for maintaining their mental health but also, where needed, for any recovery any member of our team needs.
The UK based Mental Health Foundation website is a fantastic wealth of information with tips on how to maintain a healthy environment to avoid possible triggers along with a style that is open and practical.
No one should ever be on their own in a time of need – if you can help someone to rebalance, take the opportunity to help.