Mental Health - Rainbow of Life
There are pains that cry, but silently, without letting anyone to notice.

Mental Health - Rainbow of Life

Today, every disease can be measured by various tests and highly advanced machines. But, what about mental illnesses or imbalances? The answer to 'yes' is yet to discover.

While Mental Health Stability is the most pronounced slogan in our daily life, yet the most neglected one.

I start with an emphasis on Mental Illness, it is because everybody has Mental Health.

At some point, we all have discovered the rainbow of mental health. It is not a fancy attire that you wear on a momentous occasion, instead, it lives with you all the time.

People don't see mental health as a system of health that affects every body part. So mental illness is any disease not confined to your mind, but the whole body.

If we coin it as a psychiatric term, it covers every body part. For our common understanding, we use the term mental quite often.

Whoever deals with anxiety, depression, panic disorder, or schizophrenia discovers the disturbance in the body that impacts every aspect of life, either personal or professional area. The reasons for each are always poles apart, and anyone who suffers from mental illness, doesn't have to claim it as a personal problem, but it is more of a societal one. A problem, others are responsible for too.

People, throughout their lives, discover the meaning of depression and other mental illnesses through their series of experiences. While every experience is unique, so are its consequences.

Every other person we know is living a story of survival and perseverance, and the causes of their survival are different reasons; because many remain silent about it, many speak but are left unnoticed, and many leave the mark of suicide to their name. And, very few get genuine help.

The events we face never disturb or intrigue us, but the meaning we come up with. It should not surprise anyone when they talk about mental illness because it tells you everyone has mental health.

One of the best books I came across reading about Mental Health and Illness was 'Black Rainbow.' The book emphasized the vincible journey of the author's dealing with Depression. Finding poetry as a coping mechanism helped the writer manage the journey.

However, we need to look deeply into our mental health and identify what issues we face frequently, and if we really have a coping mechanism to counter, leading us to a safer and better mental health journey. It could be professionally, personally, financially, spiritually or emotionally.

If your mental health is improved, you will be able to help others effectively, and this leads to pleasant relationship building.

In my own book, 'The Next Second.' I have discussed a great deal of Mental Illness and Its Dilemmas. I would just post a little glimpse of it with poetry:

Mental Illness is a mainstream issue
Yet the most underestimated one.
They will ask you its reasons
You reply I cannot explain
So they give up and do not bother to ask again.
Mental illness has reasons from the root cause
But who is ready and has the time to wait and hear the answer.
People hurry and wish to get the reasons
But a mentally ill person cannot explain the pain in one conversation
Hey, the so-called listener understands this.
To eradicate mental illness is a myth of today
But we need to become each other's support
To learn to fight it
Yes, fighting is where human wins and seeks growth
You cannot stop the pain, but you can learn to deal with it
This sane method is needed to apply with mental illness
Embrace it, accept it and normalize it.
Do more if you can
And do more if you can do more.
It is pleaded, human.


