Mental Health Matters: Why Should You Care?
Would navigating your way through the all too real current Mental Health Crisis and its Costs be of Benefit to You?
Suppose you answered yes; welcome to my latest mental health article, which focuses today on the current Mental Health Issues, why we require Novel Solutions to Optimize Mental Health and how businesses can help. I will share some ideas employers can implement to boost productivity and employee well-being, providing a possible solution to your business's current mental health pandemic. As a CEO or HR Leader, you are facing daily demands of ensuring the well-being of your employee's mental health.
Globally, around March of 2020, it was predicted that your World and Business would be impacted by a mental health pandemic, primarily created by COVID 19. Yet many businesses lack the expertise to support their staff and are struggling with how to get to grips with the mental health issues created by Brexit, the pandemic, and now the war in Ukraine.
And despite the apparent warnings of those times, many companies strangely and consciously chose to do a bare minimum or nothing to help themselves get back on track. This means that today, many have to live with the consequences of these inactions, the bare minimum of actions consciously taken in early 2020.
Inactions that included a lack of investing in experts to help these companies develop the tools and mindset to overcome employee and leadership fears, doubts, and insecurities triggered by those life-changing events. Enabling leaders to gain the confidence to openly discuss mental health with those they are expected to lead may be part of their job responsibilities.
Often the CEOs and
HR Leaders who encourage their staff to begin discussions on mental health are
not the best people to start these conversations. Why? Because employees often
do not open up to their peers for fear of judgment.
This is undoubtedly a proven indicator of why many of the business owners I have had the pleasure to meet hire an expert such as Tony J. Selimi to help today's leaders develop the skills they need to cope with the demands of today's leadership. To solve a business issue that requires input and to be driven from a leadership level to produce the results, your deep-down looking for, improvements to overall organizational mental health and well-being, performance, productivity, and profits.
Indeed a recent report from CIPD states that well-being and mental health are now post-pandemic, beginning to slip down the business leaders' agenda, despite the truth that organizations are still dealing with the fallout from COVID-19 and will be for some time, not to mention the impact of the current cost of living crisis too.
More remarkable are the figures to back this up, which came from the latest study from Deloitte, but before sharing this information, let me break down the statistics in 2017 here in the UK. When the Centre for mental health stated that Mental Health problems at work cost £34.9bn, equating to £1300 per employee, which means this figure would be based on a UK Workforce of 26.8million as
£34.9bn divided by 26.8mn equals £1302 per employee per annum.
But more of a concern and worry for you today is the remarkable figures mentioned earlier from a Deloitte report published in April of 2022 where it states that poor mental health in the UK will cost employers in 2020/ 2021 up to £56bn a year, which according to Deloitte is an increase of £11bn when compared to the £45bn in 2019.
This represents an increase in costs also of £20.1bn when compared to the Centre of Mental Health figures for 2017; now, if you're maybe wondering what this breaks down to with regards to costs per individual, I've saved you the time, so let's go right ahead and look these jaw-dropping figures.
£56bn divided by the 2022 UK workforce numbers of 29.5m equates to £1898 per employee per annum, an increase of £598 per employee per annum
Now, if you're company employs 30,000 employees, these numbers equate to £56.94m per annum or £1.095m a week. If we break it down further because many large businesses are an accumulation of separate divisions, yours may well be one. For example, leading a division of 3,000 employees will mean costs equal to £5.69m per annum or £109,500 per week.
These are genuinely startling sums to be losing every week and ought to be enough to set the alarm bells ringing within any CEO, HR Leader, or Executive Board Member reading.
These alarming figures may be what is needed to start questioning now the strategies in your businesses in an attempt, severe or not, to assist your employees with their mental health.
Because more companies have been investing in experts to help them with their mental health strategies on social media, within their offices, and in internal communications networks, these figures prove that many mental health business strategies are failing whether we take them on an individual or cumulative basis. Perhaps the current processes aren't enough and need upgrading exponentially if you, as a decision-maker, want to read figures in the future that give you a good feeling, not one of shock.
So, perhaps you're now left with the puzzling question of what does work; you may even think at this point I'm capable of reading your thoughts regarding what will work; wouldn't that be magical. Perhaps you're now even experiencing a feeling of being a bit lost or all at sea.
Well, I guess you're looking for something tangible that can achieve for both you, whether you're a CEO, HR Leader, and your business. Well, here's the magical part something real exists.
Finding the solution to your company's mental health crisis may seem like the quest for the Holy Grail, but it isn't; the answer is here, in this article.
I know because I'm the living proof of this tangibility, and believe me, it's something that goes way beyond what I ever imagined possible too, but it is accurate; it does exist. I share some of this in my recent interview with Dr Todorche Stamenov.
So now you probably are even more curious to know more about how this tangibility came into existence today, here in 2022. By investing my time, money, and energy to work with the globally known award-winning author, transformational life and business coach specializing in human behaviour and maximizing human potential Tony J. Selimi, the closest confidante of many a Fortune 500 CEOs, Hollywood A-Lister, Royal, and people from all walks of life. His integrated and holistic approach, science-based principles, and one-of-a-kind methods helped me achieve what many would once deem unachievable. Observing the same results in many of his global clients, I'm 100% confident that anyone who invests in working with Tony to achieve breakthroughs will achieve similar results for what they want in their life, that's if you are committed to doing so, as I have been.
To not do so will only lead you to more significant ramifications because these costs are predicted only to grow in the years to come, and if we were to add another £11bn onto the figure of £56bn and say this was to go into effect in 2 years, in 2024. This is the same period of the last £11bn increase, which is likely to occur given the current cost of living crisis, which shows no end. Fast forward, by 2024, you may be left, as you are now, fumbling in the dark trying to deal with an even greater crisis which will equate to £67bn divided by the 2022 UK workforce numbers of 29.5m equates to costs of £2271 per employee per annum, an increase of £971 per employee per annum from 2017 to 2025.
So, those of you who are a CEO, HR, Business Leader, or in a position of responsibility, Senior Management, and are experiencing unwanted sleepless nights, are taking your work, fears, and stressors about the employee mental health crisis home with you having Tony as your trusted coach may be the best investment you will ever make. Yes, being coached by him is an investment, but one that will forever bring you dividends. Furthermore, he can assist you in overcoming the challenges most likely affecting your relationship with yourself, family, friends, and social contacts.
Perhaps now is a good time to self-reflect, look inside oneself, and ask whether the mental health crisis in your business will improve, go away, or continue to grow and fester, leading to even more significant impacts and stressors in your daily life, relationships, affecting your ability to perform to peak performance in the workplace, a routine you are expecting of others. Hiring a cognition expert like Tony J. Selimi can be the additional support you may need to address the leadership, engagement, and team issues that continue to contribute to the mental health crisis.
Like it or not is already here, and if you are one who ignored the warning signs, it is not too late. And if you are being impacted by the thoughts, decisions, and workplace choices of others affected by this crisis, again, it's not too late. That's why this article was written with genuine care for all of you impacted by the growing mental health crisis, to serve as both a solution and a wake-up call.
Expecting a solution outside of yourself to magically appear, such as society to become more caring and to make more time to listen to one another, is unrealistic. As one prominent, respected business leader recently quoted to me would be fantastic but is most unlikely to happen. Reading this last sentence back, given the state of our current society here in the UK and globally, this may now begin to sound like a groundless fantasy, and most likely, it is.
Well, in his multi-award-winning book, #Loneliness, Tony makes us self-reflect and consider the personal, relational, social, business and leadership impact of loneliness. He shares some chilling truths about how few people away from digital platforms meaningfully make time to connect, talk and listen to one another mindfully. Like a virus, loneliness spreads amongst us, leaving a long trail of mental health issues.
What will help you is the taking of straightforward action, the speaking of words no matter how well the intention is behind them, without movement, will keep giving you the same problems that you don't want, that you are currently experiencing. The loneliness pandemic Tony talks about is only going to grow.
As human beings as a species, we are here to evolve, connect meaningfully with each other, and find effective and empowering solutions to ever-growing human crises; as I learned from many of the coaching sessions I had with Tony, once you solve a problem, whether it is mental health or anything else, a new one arises as we move beyond it, and we continue our growth journey. We've been doing this for centuries, and all the evidence exists. That's why if you continue to run from the problem, you'll keep experiencing it and attracting what you don't want. Solving problems is there to help us, you, to evolve, problems won't go away, and no amount of magical thinking will make them go away either, action is what is required, and action is a sign of authentic leadership that goes way beyond words.
It is why many people hire Tony, to assist them in using his broad skills gained over thirty years of study, research, and experience to help those tasked with dealing with ever-growing employee crisis, and you can too. The consequences of choosing not to do so, personally, mentally, and financially are much higher. Not doing all you can do in unleashing your business potential threatens the very existence of your company, leaders, your senior management, your job as a leader, your way of living and the income you rely upon to lead your life.
Not only your life but that of those who rely upon you and your income, you may wish to ponder this over for a minute, but not too long. But, because you're pondering, it is sure to only slow you from reaching for your phone to make that call to Tony, someone whom I know you can wholeheartedly trust to guide you on the path through, out and beyond this crisis, trust me you'll be in the safest of hands.
Paul McMonagle Piping Supervisor, Workpack Engineer, Area Lead and Mental Health Ambassador
P.S.?Tony J. Selimi is an Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Transformational Live and Business Coach Specializing in Human Behaviour, Leadership Excellence, and Maximizing Human Potential. Winner of the London SME Most Visionary Entrepreneur 2020 award, a winner of Corporate Coaching and Recruitment Business Coach of the Year 2021 Award, Silver Winner of Literary Book Award 2021, and Winner of Maincreast Media and Book Excellence Award 2021 for A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, and The Unfakeable Code?.????
He works on a virtual basis and in-person with clients all over the globe, facilitating the realization and accomplishment of their personal, professional, and business goals. Here are four ways he can assist you in creating life-changing breakthroughs, company-wide mental health growth, and accelerating your journey to excellent health, influence, and success.?
#1… Book a 15 Minutes Complimentary Greatness Discovery Call by clicking HERE,?or?book a Breakthrough Coaching Consultation or Business Strategy Session by emailing t[email protected].???
#2 ... Grab your copy of Tony's #1 Amazon bestselling and Multi-Award-Winning books, A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, The Unfakeable Code?, and enrol in his Mindfulness for Higher Productivity, Performance, and Profitable Life Udemy Course! Click here to join thousands of his happy customers.
#3 ... Make the fastest progress by hiring him to work with you on your business and train your teams. Just email [email protected] and let his team know a little about you or your business and what you'd like to work on together, and they'll get you the quote, invoice, and the necessary booking details.
?#4 ... Hire Tony as a speaker to educate, inspire and transform your audience at your next company or industry event. Click HERE to download his speaker sheet and fill in the form with your event info, and once his team hears from you, they'll send you the contract and fee info back.
For more information, go to
Mechanical Superintendent at Ellevo Group
2 年To write this article would have never been possible a few years back when I was in a very different mental state. I would like to say a big thank you to Tony Selimi, whose patience, coaching, and wisdom have been God-sent.