Mental Health
This is one subject that I and other people don't talk about in the workplace due to issues that come with it. But it is something that I think needs to be discussed because it can affect our lives to an extent due to the overall costs it brings in business and the workplace especially if it hits home within any organization when they are dealing with employees who are dealing with mental illness in themselves or taking care of family members that have mental illness which cost companies in a big way due to the money they spend in accommodating them.
Of course companies that have employees with mental health issues have to deal with absentees who are need to fill certain positions and wasting resources in trying to find people to replace their most reliable employees and often times this is a challenge for management. But what's really challenging are the legal issues that it brings too because most employees with mental health issues feel embarrassed to talk to their employers about their condition due to the stigma that often comes.
Also, most companies have to spend money with accommodations for their employees which can often at times cut into their bottom line. So it is one thing that never really gets much attention in the workplace but I have to think that there has to be some sort of leeway for employees getting the help they need in fighting their illness because it will cost them in the long run when it comes to them doing certain tasks that they are not able to do which will cost them in the long run.
What else can I say about mental health? Well not really a whole lot about it since I haven't seen anyone having to face mental illness nor I ever hear about it in the workplace but I think that it is an essential part of our health and well being and companies I think should be paying attention to mental health because it is a part of our health that affects in every aspect of our lives and the lives of the people who work, play and live with us but I guess that some companies don't want to heed this word.