Mental Health Improvement Network (#mhimprove) -
In light of the current situation regarding COVID-19 we are very sad to confirm that the MHImprove network meeting which was to be held on Tuesday 28th April in Copenhagen has been postponed in line with the BMJ/IHI International forum.
However, we are keen to ensure that we do hold an event in 2020, in spite of the challenges we are facing across the health and social care systems globally. As such, during unique times, it is sometimes necessary to find unique solutions. With this in mind, for 2020 we will hold an online network meeting. The event will be held on Monday 9th November from 15:00 to 18:00 CET (14:00 to 17:00 GMT). We hope that are friends in North and South America will be able to join us for a breakfast meeting, as well as our friends in Australasia for a late evening soiree.
We are very aware you have been working tremendously hard of over the last few weeks and months, and during this period we have heard numerous stories of innovation, improvement and (rapid) implementation. The focus of the network meeting will therefore reflect this period. Please share with us your stories and examples of things that you have tested, tried, improved, etc. which somehow relate to the COVID-19 context. This will be an opportunity to share your work with our global community, as well as learn from each other.
Do this by emailing Simon Tulloch ([email protected]) with your story (max 200 words) by Monday 31st August. We will review all submissions and select a small number (approx. 10) for participation (and presentation) in the online event on Monday 9th November. Please note – ALL submissions will be uploaded on to the MHImprove web-page hosted by ELFT for people to read.
Important notice: If you booked your place at the April event in Copenhagen on Eventbrite, you have been issued with a full refund.
Details of how to join the online MHImprove network meeting will be sent closer to the date (once we have worked out how to do it!), so please keep looking for our emails and info on Twitter via #mhimprove
Key info:
- Mental Health Improvement Network meeting will be an online event
- Held on Monday 9th November (15:00 to 18:00 CET / 14:00 to 17:00 GMT)
- Submit your improvement stories (max 200 words) to [email protected] by Monday 31st August
- Check for updates on Twitter via #mhimprove and via:
Many thanks again for all your patience with us, and for your dedication to the health and social care system wherever you are in the world.
We are very much looking forward to hearing your stories and coming together (virtually) in November.
Warm regards,
Simon, Johnathan, Amar and Pedro.