Mental Health Days
Mental Health Days
Some days, we just need a break from the noise and responsibilities of the outside world; this is what our corporate culture endearingly refers to as a “Mental Health Day.” Arg, what we wouldn’t give for a soundproof room to indulge in a bit of screaming, singing at the top of our lungs, or relentlessly karate chopping all of our proverbial problems until finding our center again. Maybe there is a magic punching bag where we can pound the stress of life out of our mind, through our limbs, and into a Mary-Poppins-esque gym bag. Perhaps next to that punching bag is a mini fridge filled with scotch and tub of our favorite ice cream to serve as the best kind of medicine. What wouldn’t we give to have a specific room in our home solely dedicated for such days? No one else allowed. “Me-time” at its finest.
In recent times, mental health has been getting more attention. (As it should.) When we have a toothache, we recognize that we have an issue that needs addressing so we go to the dentist to obtain reactionary care. When we have persistent stomach issues, we make an appointment with our doctor and maybe get a referral to a specialist. Why is it so unfathomable to seek preventative and reactionary care for when we find it hard to even get out of bed? For the times when “sucking it up” just won’t suffice, or when “ignoring it” just can’t cut it, you probably need to give yourself a mental health day.
At some point in our lives, each of us will experience pain or an issue in one or more of our body systems (I.E. skeletal, immune, respiratory, etc.) that we may have to seek treatment from a professional. Have you ever stopped to consider that those waves of overwhelming emotions that you experience could in fact, negatively affect your nervous system? Could the absence of mental breaks adversely affect your heart, gut, or even your brain? Well, it has been the case for a lot of people. People are finding that some things they are experiencing; like headaches, chest pain, and digestive issues, can stem from poor emotional and mental health. Does that sound familiar? Have you ever experienced hearing such terrible news that you felt like the wind was knocked out of you, or you felt an uncomfortable dropping sensation in your stomach and realized you were nervous? Or the tightening of your throat when you find yourself suddenly trying to hold back tears when someone asks you, “Are you okay…?”
The point is that whatever is disconcerting you on an emotional level, can and will manifest itself in you as discomfort, pain, or illness. It is important to address these thoughts or feelings before they can cause physical ailments. This is why the concept of mental health days are becoming increasingly popular and necessary. Afterall, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anything or anyone else.