Mental Health Criteria For Daily Reference - "Normal Insanity" Self-Check For Leaders
Gordan Dzadzic
Executive Board Member | Business Coach | Coach for Life | Assertiveness Trainer | Public Speaking Trainer
Most of us are out of touch with some aspect of reality and Albert Ellis, Rational Emotive Behavioral Theory (REBT) founder, coined this as "normal insanity":
To be an outstanding leader not only know what to do and how to do it but also how to permit yourself, what with your normal insanity, to do it.
Generally accepted psychological health criteria could serve as a self-assessment reference to determine which particular "normal insanity" one 'owns' and what to do about it. The 13 psychological health criteria REBT proposes (see below) have been generally endorsed by many of the world's most known therapists (Freud, Jung, Adler Fromm, Perls, Maslow, Rogers, and so on).
The above list helps guide an individual towards optimal mental health. For guidance on how companies could incorporate mental health as one of the criteria for managerial promotion read the article below.
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?2020 Gordan Dzadzic, Coach and Management Consultant,, All Rights Reserved
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About the Author:
Gordan Dzadzic is a Coach who applies Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, Transactional Analysis and NLP to help professionals achieve their business and personal goals. Gordan is also a Management Consultant with previous experience in Lean Startup and as an Executive Board member; international donor projects on government policy, institution building, and public & investment finance; SAP & Oracle ERP implementations; Information Technology consulting.
- Ellis, Albert, “Executive Leadership: A Rational Approach,” 1978.
- Albert Ellis, Blau, Shawn, "A Guide To Well-Being Using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy," 1998.
- Albert Ellis, Dryden, Windy, "The Practice Of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy", 1997.