The Mental Health Crisis: Could Our Phones Be the Root Cause?
Jillian Johnson
Founder of #LEGS - The Ladies Executive Golf Society ?? | 2020 Professional Business Woman of the Year ????| Empowering Women On and Off the Golf Course ??|
So, I had an interesting story happen over the weekend. It was a "divide and conquer" type situation, where I was getting food for dinner at Trader Joe's while Sam was getting gas to get home. I texted him while sitting out on the bench saying, "ready whenever," while simultaneously in true "Snacky Chan" style-had to dip into the Pumpkin Joe Joe's while I waited.
I don't know if it was the combination of being heavily food motivated and/or excited to see Sam arrive, but I put my phone in a cozy spot on the bench instead of a cozy spot in my purse...(like a responsible human)...
About a mile and a half driving and 4 pumpkin Joe Joe's later...I had that panic moment where I felt in my purse looked in the cracks of the car and the floor and my purse again and realized my phone was definitely NOT in the car (and either was my wallet because I'm smart like that and like to make it a packaged deal). So, we pulled a U-turn and frantically checked find my iphone. Meanwhile, mystery woman who snagged my phone wallet combo, went on a shopping spree at DSW, Maverick, and Raising Cane's Chicken...
While not an ideal situation...this has been the best thing for my soul to be without a phone for 3 days...
Does anybody else miss the landline era? Where you can leave your house and not be worried, bothered, stressed over an email, text, snapping pictures for the gram...
Remember the days of printing mapquest directions, T9 Word, and encyclopedias?
I've always admired my Dad for being hip with technology (especially for a Wyoming Guy) - on the forefront of napster, DVD's, google, oh and my favorite, "Dragon Naturally Speaking" - an early iteration of 'speech to text' from the 90's that made you literally want to throw your computer out the window. (Thank you technology for this evolution).
I think yes, we must evolve and adapt and accept technology; however, there's always been a part of me that feels "something's not quite right" when it comes to being connected with nature and simply being. I do believe peace is our birth rite.
So, this post is the opposite of the fast evolving AI and technologies that are changing our world and hot in the press, but I've found peace being without it, and truly wonder if these phones are, in fact, the root cause of our mental health crisis?
What do you think? Are our phones causing depression, anxiety, and the mental health crisis we as a culture are experiencing? What can we do to change it?
Founder at Scroll by Choice | Kellogg MBA | Not afraid of being wrong
12 个月Thanks for sharing this insightful and personal story Jillian Johnson, MPH. From our work, it’s undeniable that our connected lives can add stress, mentally and physically. You asked the question of what can we do about it? From our vantage point - it’s not about detoxes or disconnection (though they are great circuit breakers as you observed). Instead, it’s about learning and applying digital wellness frameworks that help you develop resilience to thrive alongside tech. Cheers!
CEO at Experience Ireland Golf & Travel! Creating Memories one Golf Trip at a Time!
1 年Our phones are definitely an extra limb at times, useful when needed for work stuff but we’re too dependent on them now as we can pretty much do anything/everything with them - we don’t even need to bring wallets, cash, etc out with us now as long as we have our phones. Some downtime from them is something worth trying, especially in the evenings, to cut out the incessant scrolling that most of us are probably guilty of.
People Solutions Ninja: Helping employers attract, retain, and engage their workforce.
1 年I attended an event last year that addressed the intentionality of electronic communications. ALL of it was amazing content, but the part I took away and added into my daily life was this: If you email me, it might be a day or two before I respond. Today email is equivalen to USPS. You want to share something with me but it's not imperative. If you text me, you likely want my attention and I can choose when to respond but likely within 24 hours. But if you call me, I'll know you want to reach me and if I'm available, I'll pick up. If not, please leave a message. Whatsup is a whole different ballgame and while it hasn't hit my radar of a means of communication, I'll likely treat it as email. I frequent LinkedIn but not as my main form of communication, although it is important to me. It's like my rolodex with the ability to reach out electronically on a professional level, share professional relevant content and to contribute to intellectual conversations. And like this post, share what is working for me. Maintaining a philosophy on electronic communications has helped me manage information overload which ultimately helps lower the stress level. I hope my insight helps others! ??
Bank of America
1 年Yes, I personally believe our "connectivity" is causing a lot of negative mental health effects. We have to remember we didn't even have a 24 hour TV news cycle until the first Iraq war in 1990. Think about that, you would get a paper thrown onto your porch at 5am with yesterday's news and then at 5pm you could get another bit of the day's news from the evening TV broadcast. The rest of our time was just in-person, face to face interactions concerning things that directly affected us either with job or family. Now you can't go 5 seconds without 15 notifications, most of them regarding things that will never directly affect you, but all of them designed to elicit an emotional response from you all the same.
Account Executive Clear Channel Outdoor. Media Consultant. Helping businesses of all sizes grow their brand with strategic Out of Home campaigns.
1 年Jillian, the quick answer is yes we are way to connected to our phones. When I take walks during my day to get away all I ever see are people walking with heads in phones. The stress we all feel when we misplace our phones is insane. This is why I don't even pick up my phone after a days work. It does not go into restaurants or any public place except for maybe a concert.