Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

At Martek Lifecare, we believe your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

This year, Mental Health Awareness Week is running from the 10th-16th of May 2021 and the chosen theme is nature.

Nature has been chosen as the theme as the Mental Health Foundation found that surrounding yourself with nature will have a positive affect on your mental health.

What is mental health week?

Mental Health Awareness Week is a time to reflect on not only our own mental health, but of those around us too, our friends, family, colleagues etc.

Mental health can affect us all one way or another, whether it’s our own struggles or watching a loved one suffer. 1 in 4 people in the UK alone suffer from mental health issues and we want you to know, you are not alone, not just for this week, but for all times. There are people you can talk to about mental health, even if you do not want to talk to those who know you.

During the pandemic, many of us experienced issues with our mental health and we want you to know that help is out there.

Aims of Mental Health Awareness week

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding mental health which may lead to people bottling up their feelings or feeling ashamed of seeking help.

This is not the case.

We want to join the fight to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health and provide people with information and support they may need.

The Mental Health Foundation have decided to choose the theme of Nature this year for Mental Health Awareness Week. They have said they have two goals in mind:

  • To inspire people to connect with nature in new ways.
  • To convince decision makers at all levels that access to and quality of nature is a mental health and social justice issue as well as an environmental one.

It was found that during the pandemic, people took to surrounding themselves with nature more in order to help cope. Many people went for walks or jogs in nature and took more of an interest in the wildlife around them.

Tips to help your mental health

Speak out – Talk to your friends, family, colleagues or neighbors. If you don’t feel comfortable talking with people you know for any reason, there are various charities that can help you such as The Samaritans.

Keep Active – In line with the Mental Health Foundation’s goals, getting active has been proven to improve mental health, whether that’s jogging alone to your favorite playlist or going to a yoga class with a couple of friends. Inside or outside, day or night, whatever you prefer.

Treat Yourself – Even if it’s just to a nice bath or putting some time away for yourself to read that book you got for Christmas, make yourself your favorite food or buy yourself something you normally wouldn’t.

Set yourself one achievable goal – Finish the laundry, reply to the email you have been putting off, go on a 15 minute walk in your lunch break.

Make yourself comfortable – Try wearing your softest clothes and feel cosy and comfortable.

Signs someone might be suffering

Some signs people may show if they are suffering from poor mental health are:

  • Poor concentration
  • Being easily distracted
  • Worrying more
  • Finding it hard to make decisions
  • Feeling less interested in day-to-day activities
  • Low mood
  • Feeling overwhelmed by things
  • Tearfulness
  • Tiredness and lack of energy
  • Sleeping more or less
  • Talking less and avoiding social activities
  • Talking more or talking very fast, jumping between topics and ideas
  • Finding it difficult to control your emotions
  • Drinking more
  • Irritability and short temper
  • Aggression

List taken from Bupa Website 

This list is just a suggestion of behaviors they might be exhibiting, it isn’t limited to this list, nor does it 100% mean that if someone is exhibiting these signs, they are mentally ill. Speak to the person if you are concerned but be sure to be mindful of their feelings and emotions. You don’t want to overwhelm someone or make them feel as if they are being cornered or attacked.

Avoid tactics such as guilt-tripping to get people to open up to you about their mental health as this could result in them feeling worse. Be as understanding as possible and let them know you are there, even if they just need somebody to listen to them.

Resources you can use

Mind –

Mind is a mental health charity that provides support, resources, and information about everything you need to know regarding mental health. From terminology explanations to how you can help.

Check out their Mental Health Awareness Campaign here.

Bupa –

Private healthcare but has tons of free resources about mental health in the workplace, what to do if someone is suffering, lines to ring and articles about spotting signs.

Check out their resources here.

World Health Organisation-

The World Health Organisation also provides free information about mental health and how to manage it in terms of what stressors can be triggering, relaxation techniques and stress reduction.

To have a look at WHO’s resources, click here.

Don’t be afraid to reach out, it may feel like a small step, but it’s a small step in the right direction.

Mental Health Foundation–

With access to scientific research regarding factors that have an effect on mental health such as COVID-19, podcasts and videos, events you can join in and how you can get involved if you would like to.

The Samaritans-

24 hour access to hotlines, emails, web chats, letter writings and self-help apps. The Samaritans number is: 116 123 if you need someone to speak with.

If you need immediate action and find yourself in crisis, ring 999 straight away.


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