Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, to commemorate the week we thought we would interview some of our Mental Health First Aiders. Mental Health First Aiders are colleagues who are trained in listening and supporting colleagues who need emotional support. They're not counsellors or therapists, but they are able to listen, support, and, if needed, help direct colleagues to get the help they need.

Today we are interviewing Steve Millar who is a Driver and Health and Well-Being Champion at St. Helens depot.

What made you want to become a Mental Health First Aider?

I realized that it’s not enough to simply tell people that mental health is important, so when the role of Health and Well-being Champion came up I decided to go for the position. Being in the role of Health and Well-being Champion makes it easier for people to approach me if they want to chat. I also wanted to break the stigma that surrounds mental health by letting people know it’s ok not to be ok.

What did you learn through your training?

I learnt what to look out for in people and to help wherever I can and that it doesn’t matter where you are on the company ladder, anyone can suffer with their mental health.

How have you used your training within your current role at Arriva?

I've started health and well-being initiatives within the depot, one of these being ‘The Biggest Losers’, a 6-week diet challenge. A challenge which takes place over six weeks with participants sharing exercises and meals to help everyone enjoy losing weight and stay active. I've also introduced fruity Fridays where fresh fruit is given out during the day to promote healthy eating.

Mindful Monday is another thing I'm trying, this is just a coffee and a chat with anyone who wants to pop in.

The depot is also in the middle of sorting a charity walk in aid of the mental health charity MIND and alongside this, a walking group has been set up by another driver Kirsty Mower which I'm helping to promote.

What are your top tips for other employees to be mindful of during Mental Health Awareness Week?

One tip springs to mind which is very simple. I saw a portrait of Caroline Flack on the side of a building and next to her portrait were the words ‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind’.

Also, with loneliness as the topic of this year's mental health awareness week I think it’s important for people to check in with friends and colleagues and check they are ok, something I will be doing inside and outside work.

At Arriva, we take well-being seriously and seeking help is often the first step toward getting and staying well, but it can be hard to know how to start or where to turn.?

Visit Mind's website to read their guide on taking the first steps, making empowered decisions and getting the right support for you or someone close to you:


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