Mental health and aged care have been on life support for decades
“We create the environment and the environment creates us.”?L’Eve?
Much like the environment that has cycled its way to haunt us, so too have unaddressed and significant mental health and aged care issues.
The three have entwined with bastardry to benefit ‘others’ and not those with the most need.
Big business has benefitted most from the pain of others. The pharmaceuticals, and medium to large businesses who focus on profits; not people.
They take your money, your home, your hope, your peace of mind, and directly impact those who choose to care.
It is a national disgrace; one that should be called out as a ‘war crime’. Crimes against the heart; much like Sir Ninian Stephens said to me when we spoke heart to heart about humanity’s lack of true justice.
I am still haunted by his sadness… his words;?“my sword is broken”,?when he spoke of how he felt at not being able to gain justice, during his role as a judge on the international war tribunals.
The genuine pain he expressed, and how he expressed it, will stay with me forever.
It made me cry, hearing such powerful passion; sadness for what Sir Ninian believed should have been given to those who suffered atrocities, so in need and deserving of justice.
A former Governor-General, he was also an ambassador for the environment. A great man of honour, who was so widely respected.
Where are the Ninian Stephens of today?
Where are the Gandhis, the Mandelas, the Luther Kings?
How has it got to this?
No longer is it ‘one in five suffer mental health issues’. The admission now is that?everyone,?sometime in their life, will suffer such a crisis; costing our nation billions that could otherwise be invested in prevention and proper care.
Those who have died in lonely, loveless walls of pain… the life squeezed out of them in an ugly death, as too few in aged care facilities are treated with the respect, love, support and care they deserve.
The breakdown of ‘family’ is somehow connected to previous generations; the aged we once cared for in the family home.
That’s how we grew up in our family, with both grandmas being given that loving care until close to the end of life, when illness took over and led to their final departure.
It is our ‘values’ today of which I am ashamed.
Who dares light fires that destroy life; the past, the present, and the future?
It is a new generation who seem to care more about ‘self’, superficiality; bigger and better home; taking financial risks that many of their parents would never have entertained.
But back then, bank loan rates were extremely high. So were deposit rates, and it seemed to work well for most in the main.
People worked one, two, maybe three jobs to ensure their family’s financial peace of mind and security.
Respect for others was more common.
People were more honest, and would not rip you off as has become part of today’s ‘greed is good’ world.
The massive scams; cybercrimes, natural injustices within the justice system that even a soul the ilk of Sir Ninian Stephens could not bring to order, has now become part of our ‘natural order’ of shame.
I have seen it up close and personal. There seems to be an ease of passage for scammers, fraudsters; while an overworked, weakened, judicial system has become blind-sighted and easily fooled by people who make it their ‘business’ to lie, perjure and defraud.
It is a frightening reality and I am at a loss; and totally lacking confidence in today’s ways of the world.
Money has been too easy to borrow; which is why Australia has the highest rate of debt – particularly household debt – in the world.
Where will it end?
Why has it taken tragedy after tragedy for those who head up psychiatry and aged care to admit that we are in crisis mode?
Finally, the head of psychiatry has admitted that what was being done was not working; repeating what we have been saying for years. Then went on to say that we need to include allied care as part of the treatment; again, just repeating what we have been saying for years… albeit with a solid proven plan.
Then came words referred to as a ‘long-term plan’ on how to deal with this crisis.
Records reveal it is a repetition of previous ‘long term plans’, as mental health and aged care has continued to deteriorate further; much further.
So why would we trust this ‘old’ come ‘new’ plan that continues to ignore the only successful Plan, given to them by the ‘United Action For Life’ mission? Which I might add was requested by this Federal Government!
“They never listen”!
We are paying for the sins of past; our ignorance and arrogance has cost us lives, security and safety.
According to economist, Alan Kohler in his state of the nation’s economic and social investigation being aired this week; we are in unchartered waters… on the edge of a cliff, but with no viable solutions offered.
“They just never listen”!
Yvonne Nicolas
Mental Health Advocate
Making Sense of Life Before We L’Eve… Those Were The Days
“We create the environment and the environment creates us.”
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