Mental gymnastics called Meditation
Meditation: what, why, who, when and where
A very interesting topic with so many different reviews on what meditation is, how it is done, where it is done, why it is done, who should do it and for what?
In all the cultures, all over the world, people have practiced various techniques to be able to connect with their inner powers or to connect with higher energy; to be able to achieve higher power or something special which the materialistic world cannot give.
Meditative practices have been done by the Witch Doctors from African tribes, Medicine Man from the Red Indian tribes, the Tibetan monks, even the people who have been associated with the Aborigines, the members of the Vatican, all Eastern esoteric practitioners. All have spoken about various practices that they have performed to be able to connect with and link to the higher energy and dimensions unknown to the common man.
Let us understand what these higher energies are, at the very basic level.
When we say high, we look up at the sky. In the sky, are the celestial heavenly bodies, the Sun, the Moon, the various constellation, the stars and the deep deep Sky. When we look up, we invoke the Natural energies, Primordial elements like light, heat, wind, earth and space that govern our daily lives. We revere these.
In the history of Humanity, Man evolved as he left the dimension of animals and became a higher being using his mental faculties for more than self-preservation and the preservation of his Clan.
Mankind developed higher thoughts, deeper emotions, higher mentality that empowered him to perform better. This performance was equated to how well he dealt with the situation, how easily he was able to bring under control his fellow beings and the Natural laws.
Man developed a very powerful intuitive instinct. An intuition which the entire humankind is gifted with. This intuition connects us into the realm of a super consciousness, deeper than our sub-consciousness surpassing the known realms, dimensions.
One way to harness the super consciousness, these Higher Dimensions and to transcend them, is through Meditation.
As human beings, we require a system which trains us to do different things. A system which is doable by the common man. A system which allows us to practice in a consistent manner, with a time related result assured rhythm.
The Masters who attained a direct access to this deeper and higher dimension, became missionaries. They came as Saints, Messiah’s, Rishi and spiritual Scientists. Each brought with them a different path to reach this Higher Dimension, this super consciousness.
Meditation has been made into a ritual. Those persons who have gained from Meditation practices have shown society how Meditation can give us immense power and this power can be used right from materialistic gain; financial gain; to overcoming sickness; to heal; to bring into balance and in a very strange matter to have some sort of control over Natural energies.
Meditation takes the mind on the threshold of further dimensions, expanding possibilities and capabilities of human functionality aspect beyond the tangible world.
In the current scenario of tremendous competition; of easily available knowledge; of strained interpersonal relationships, of the struggle to make ends meet, meditation has become the means to make life easy and still having time and energy for self. People turn to meditation essentially to overcome their stress, overcome ill health and heal from broken relationships. In these modern tiring times, it is necessary for each one of us to be able to harness a very special power to realise our dreams. Meditation helps the Sadhak in the quest in search of their own identity. It is after this special purification, with Meditation that leads to and beyond Nirvana where Ego ends and with it doubt, fears, false perceptions; we can enter the realms of Divine Consciousness.
There are many Gurus around the world who have made formulas or protocols by which we can Meditate. In the East, in India, from ancient times, Meditation study has been very popular and powerful teaching systems have evolved that has identified with the Eastern Philosophies of higher thoughts and Mental, Spiritual evolution.
Vast volumes of knowledge, the Vedas, Upveda, Upanishad, Vedanta have been recorded by Rishi’s who have respected this Knowledge and recorded it as the Voice of Divinity without adding their own names to the recordings. Their power of meditation and intuition has been the foundation of connecting with higher forces.
I am giving to you my personal understanding of what meditation is all about.
We are thinking creatures. We rely on our perception of events, of education we receive and of our experiences. Our lives give rise to an ego by which we define ourselves.
We get into trouble when our ego is shattered or circumstances around us, our relationships are strained and challenge our own definition of who we are. We become alone in the crowded world. We are hurt with our own selfish needs and desires and want to blame others for our broken hearts. We want to point fingers on circumstances and competition for our failures.
At such a times, irrespective of age or of experience, education, of cultural background, each one of us becomes a seeker wanting to know the truth. A truth which will support us, embalm us, help our self-esteem and make us feel wanted and important.
The truth does not change irrespective of what the circumstances are. A state of mind that can accept the situation for what it is; is in a better position to come to an amicable outcome or conclusion.
A great man said, with meditation, the mind and thoughts become centered and inner conflict is resolved. With a centered mind, any problem does not remain a problem, it only remains a “situation”, one which can be resolved.
Each human being is “Unique”, and yet, at the same time, each human being has an equal potential of reaching great heights in all aspects of learning, financial gains, prosperity; control and power and becoming One with the Universal Consciousness.
During Meditation, Communication is from the Interior to the Exterior. By acknowledging the Inner Self, by “knowing” the inner truth; the Self, then alone is it possible to ‘know’ the Brahmand or Existential energies in all their manifest and un-manifest form. The Ashtang Yog meditative techniques allow us to reach just this state of being. Knowing the ‘Self’ as not different from the ONE, the Universal Super-conscious; ends all differences, ambiguities end. This is existing in highest dimensions while in Human form; and Yog says, this progress, is only possible in Human Form.
It is an example given here, of a possible truth that we all can bind with.
A person who has everything materialistic that he can possibly aspire for, who has no need, will happily give, gift or donate.
A person who is completely centred, loves the self unconditionally, who does not need to display an ego, is not affected by what people have to say; is revered and sought out by all to resolve conflicts, who does not make every issue a personal issue.
A person who is knowledgeable, knows when to listen and when to talk. He has no need to impress the public with difficult words and topics. He strives to make information simple and keeps personal opinion away from solutions. A satisfied soul, so to say, is essentially at peace with the world.
Such a personality is genuinely caring, not interfering; is problem solving, not confusing. He binds people together, not for his own cause, but to nurture each to a larger cause.
This is an outcome of meditation.
Having said this, we can accept that meditation creates a personality and we know, such personalities ‘become’ higher beings. And convincingly, we can understand the statement, “meditation is not to be done; it is to be lived.
It is a means of harnessing the Energies from the Tangible world into the Intangible, un-explainable absolute Truth and all its realms.-
Any learning needs guidance and guidelines in the beginning. The Eastern Philosophies strongly believe and promote reaching deep and higher states (or dimensions) through Meditation. The many schools of ‘thoughts’ in India and other parts of the East have created different protocols to help the new comer into the practices of Meditation. Many great Masters from India have taken Meditation to the West where such practices were not known or popular.
Yogic philosophy is on similar lines. Maybe just a phonetic difference with YOGO is YOG, which is the Three path of Light mentioned here.
Yog Philosophy states Meditation as a means of living on the path of golden light. Path would correlate with lifestyle, Golden with Divine or Super conscious dimensions, Light would correlate with “knowing, Knowledge or Faithful understanding”, since it is Path of Golden Light which vanquishes the Darkness of doubts, fear, weakness and failures.
Some of the Indian Masters who took Yog and Meditation to the West as early as 1900 included great names like Mahrishi Mahesh Yogi who named his technique of Meditative practice as “Transcendental Meditation”. Paramhans Yoganand : Path of Kriya Yog, Shree Aurobindo who promoted Integral Yog, Swami Vivekanand who explained Vedanta in the UN assembly in 1893 during Parliament of Religions explaining the concept of Spirituality higher to Religion. BrahmaVidya (Brahma = Universal super-consciousness; Vidya = knowing and living) which explores the nature of the Infinite Brahmand; Osho or Rajaneesh created the most influential movement in US with Osho Movement; Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada : of ISKON
Guru Shishya Parampara. Teaching thru love, inquiry and practice.
Within these Meditative teachings, all Guru’s explored a technique to nurtured developing a ‘stillness’ to mental chatter. Within this stillness, we can ‘hear’ the sounds of deep Inner Knowledge and be in touch with a Universal Truth.
This Truth cannot easily be put into words. It is not a philosophy to be discussed or a technique to be mastered. It is a state of being. To reach there, philosophy is necessary, a technique shows the way.
Meditation can and should be done by everyone. It can be done anytime, anywhere and for any reason. Building the ‘inner strength’ and anything that brings us nearer to the tremendous potential, we, as humans have must be nurtured.
Here, all “all roads lead to Rome”; meaning, choose a path or technique that suites you personally best. All it requires is dedication, trust, faith and a Guru to guide. It is with practice that we ourselves will gain. Others cannot do it for us, nor can we gain from others efforts. And actually, it is effortless.
“Ashtang Yog” is one of the most potent paths towards Meditation. It encompasses Lifestyle, non-violence, Natural regulations, steadfastness in body and breath (prana), better control over the mental faculties, Centering and dissolving into the Universal Super-consciousness.
All the Masters have chosen different aspects as they see most beneficial to their system of Introspection and Meditation. And the goal remains singular; to ascend to higher Dimensions while in Human form. With the Sadhak (follower or student) personal ascension, the whole society should also rise to higher dimensions.
The simple starting point of meditation for someone who does not have a Guru to guide is as follows:
Sit comfortably for a short while with no disturbance. Simply follow the rhythm of each breath. Observe what is the path of each breath. Observe the energy of breath movement within the body.
In time, when the sadhak (student of Meditative philosophies) is comfortable with this exercise, deeper introspection (dwelling deeper into ones own consciousness) will automatically begin.
If there is the urge to “do” something, mentally, “thank” with deep gratitude, every person, place, event, known and unknown entities, ideas for helping you and to help you gain an insight into Super consciousness.
All it needs from you, is the first genuine, faithful effort. The highest Dimensions will conspire to reach you.
Emeritus Professor. University of Minnesota
5 年Good to see your comments on MEDITATION. I like the statement;?“meditation is not to be done; it is to be lived." Keep up the good work. Best wishes. Will see you when I visit Pune in February.Gundu. [email protected]
Regulatory Affairs Medical Devices, PMA Submissions, 510(k) Submission, Health Canada MDR, Post Approval Studies (PAS) and Post Market Surveillance, EU MDR, EU IVDR, 21 CFR 820, ISO 13485
5 年Wow.. so amazingly written it is!
stitch craft at Teacher & Author
5 年Great knowledge for people like us to follow meditation.
Enterpreuner, Clinical Pharmacologist,Researcher, Precision medicine, Professor Pharmacology ,
5 年Very useful article