Is Mental Decline Inevitable?
Dave Beruh
Certified Health Coach - Helping My Clients Lose Weight Get Off Prescription Medications and Feel Great.
We all tend to slow down physically with age and the brain is no exception.
Wikipedia says, “Age is a major risk factor for most common neurodegenerative diseases, including mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular disease, Parkinson's disease and Lou Gehrig's disease.”
However, just because you are a senior citizen or on your way there does not mean you have go quietly into the night.
There is much you can do to preserve and even INCREASE your memory.
It used to be believed that humans never created new brain cells. That has been proven to be false. New research shows new brain cells can and are generated. While the analogy to a muscle is not precise there are a lot of similarities.
Like muscle if you don’t use it you tend to lose it. Further proper nutrition can keep your brain healthy well into your second century. Just like muscle then, proper diet, nutrition and lifestyle are key to a happy and healthy brain.
As I mentioned in my previous post all memory is association. You link something new (a concept, a new word or skill, etc.) to something you already know. The older we get the more experiences we have so it can actually be easier to learn new things.
Do you want to be able to learn faster and remember more? Do you want to learn key techniques and strategies on how to preserve and increase your brain power?
Join me at the Mainline Night School or Chester County Night School for a great course in Memory Improvement. Improve your memory and improve your life!