Men's and mental health

On the occasion of International Men’s Day, we must have conversations we don’t usually have, especially those about men’s mental health. For the longest time, conversations regarding mental health have been stigmatized in social circles. Mental health has been dismissed as "fake" or the result of "hyper-imaginative" or "hypochondriac" tendencies, and struggles and issues relating to it have been dismissed. but even more so when it comes to men. While women’s mental health issues are considered a product of hysteria, men’s mental health issues aren’t even considered legitimate because they are just supposed to push through them anyway.

Gender norms that are prevalent in society dictate that men must be tough, self-reliant, and brave in the face of adversaries. Narratives like "boys don't cry" help enforce socialization from a very young age, ensuring boys internalize these norms. Being self-reliant oftentimes means being less reluctant to seek help or even recognize that problems exist. Our cultures don’t allow for space for men to speak up about their struggles.

However, over the past years, there has been an increase in activism that has reinvigorated interest in the subject and increased advocacy for men’s mental health. This, coupled with destabilizing gender norms through larger social movements that challenge gender norms and performativity, has helped bring vulnerability into the fold of masculinity and normalize expression as an individual right for everyone, regardless of their gender.

In addition to this, there has been a wave of male celebrities talking about their mental health struggles. Insofar as media tends to influence our perceptions and shape our worldview, this has had a positive impact in terms of not only creating empathy among the larger masses but also inspiring others to seek help.

While it can be scary to go to a mental health professional, it is the first step to seeking help for your ailment. Mental health is just as important, especially in a fast-paced, alienating, capitalist world where we’re all left on our own, struggling under the consumerist framework that cripples us and "sells happiness" at the cost of our mental health.

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