Men's Health Week: Take Action on Covid-19

Men's Health Week: Take Action on Covid-19

The 15th - 21st June 2020 is Men's Health Week, and unsurprisingly this year there is a keen focus on all things covid. I know what you're thinking, "great, another article on coronavirus" and you'd be correct. However instead of just reminding you to wash your hands, I wanted to particularly focus on mental wellbeing and making sure you're doing all you can to maintain a healthy mindset and where to improve if you're feeling low.

This week sees the easing of some of the lockdown constraints which you should use if you feel like this time has been a struggle. Men typically will bottle their feelings up at the best of times, so getting out and seeing someone different can make a huge difference. With that in mind I've answered some questions which could help you improve your day to day life.

Can I visit my friends?

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The answer simply is yes, however there can be no more than six of you from separate households and you must stay the mandatory 2 metres apart. Perfect if you're mate Baz is still prone to passing out dead arms one minute and hugs the next. Meetings also have to be outdoors, so you can finally be one of those groups who meet up in the park, sit on the grass and talk about nothing. Definitely beats staying in watching classic Match of the Day.

When will the pubs reopen?

Far from being just an excuse to get out on a Friday night, no industry has been impacted as hard as the hospitality industry and it is in desperate need of public support. Current government guidance says pubs cannot reopen until 4th July, and even then one would imagine it would look more like what has been seen in the rest of Europe; encouraging use of outside drinking areas, restricted numbers and bar staff wearing PPE. That works on the continent, however I think its fair to say we in the UK have a different approach to our drinking; it might be best raiding Aldi's shelves and having a socially distanced gathering at your mate's who's been dying to show off his new awning in his pristine garden. Yes you can use his toilet, but bring your own snacks and a pack of wipes (they're everywhere now).

What's a bubble?

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Put simply, a bubble is a group/single person you are now allowed within 2 metres of, however only applies to a single parent with dependent children, or anyone living alone. The bubble is there to support those who have had the hardest situation domestically, they can now form part of a new household and act as if they have always been part of it. Choose yours wisely, you're only allowed one, and no popping it by forming part of a new bubble. Best advice? Join one which can give you the most support.

What's the best advice you can give?

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Talk. Whether its to your friends, family, loved one, work colleagues, GP, old roommate, literally everyone is going through this, there is no need to feel alone. These have been really tough and unprecedented times, and we're all going through this together. GP services are still running for those of you with health concerns, you can be seen via telephone and there are online doctors available for just £25 if you need that peace of mind at short notice (try if you need an appointment within half an hour). We all want things back to the way they were, but suffering in silence won't make this happen any quicker. So instead of "planning to meet up when this is all over," meet up now! Go for a socially distanced walk and tell them how you're feeling, I bet you never did that before all this happened.


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