Menopause Tiredness All The Time

Menopause Tiredness All The Time

Every day my inbox is flooded with questions about menopause. People want to know why menopause causes fatigue. They want to know how to relieve this annoying menopause symptom. And they are trying to figure out how to become more invigorated without causing further menopause symptoms?

?Chances are, you probably have these same types of questions. And you have probably even spent some time on blogs, forums and around the web, trying to get answers. Problem is, you keep getting conflicting answers, right??

?For example, just pop onto any menopause forum and ask this question: Does menopause bring on increased fatigue?

?I guarantee that you will get conflicting advice. Some people will tell you to ignore it because it is part of the expected change in hormones. Another group will advocate that you take certain supplements to aid the sleep process. And just to make it extra confusing, you might even get a few people telling you that the fatigue can be exponential and exhausting in itself?

?So, you’re left to sort through the wheat and the chaff.?

?If you’re new to that particular community, it is even harder because you do not know who to trust. Because the truth is, there are plenty of women who have been through ‘the change,’ negotiated perimenopause and come out the other side into menopause. You try talking to them and they want you to think they know what they are talking about – but their experience is not yours. And in some cases, these types of people are offering downright dangerous advice.?

?That is why I compiled this list of frequently asked questions.?

?I wanted to make sure you got the right advice from someone who is successfully navigating through perimenopause and dealing with the constant fatigue. Read on…?


Q. What is the best way to relieve fatigue during perimenopause??

?A. A big question to get us started. In truth it really is a difficult one to answer as each of us is different. The best advice is to set regular sleep times to get into a regular sleep pattern. You may find help here.?


Q. How does stress affect fatigue??

?A. The stress response requires a lot of energy, therefore leading to increased tiredness and fatigue. During perimenopause and on into menopause the female body is under a great deal of stress.?


Q. What is the fastest way to reduce the impact of stress, inducing fatigue during perimenopause and menopause? ?

?A. This is not a one cure suits all answer. The hormonal change during perimenopause and on into menopause can cause a great deal of stress for some. There are some physical considerations such as a healthy diet, maintaining hydration and exercise that impact on the bodies stress levels.??


Q. There are a number of supplements available on the market, which should I take??

?A. Supplements to aid in the symptoms of perimenopause are many. The same can be said for fatigue. It is beyond the scope of this text to list all here. You may find help here.?


Q. I have been trying to gain more energy for some time, but I am not seeing good results. What am I doing wrong??

A. Nothing, this journey is personal, so we need to work out your path. You may find help here.?


Q. If you went back in time to a time before these hormonal shifts started, what would you do differently this time??

A. The thing with perimenopause and the journey to menopause is that everyone’s journey is different. The start is different, the length is different and the destination is different for each and every woman. If your symptoms become unbearable and no supplements are helping, then it is time to seek medical help.?


Q. I do not have a whole lot of time to work out what I need, because I have work, family and social responsibilities. What do you suggest I do??

?A. Look for support here.?


In conclusion…?

?At last, you finally know that there is a connection between perimenopause, fatigue and menopause. That means that you can now start a personal plan more confidently, because you’re armed with the knowledge you need to succeed. See you on the other side (of perimenopause that is!?


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