Meniscus Injuries - Diagnosis and Evaluation (Part 2)
Dr. Brian Abelson DC.
Dr. of Chiropractic, International Best Selling Author, Motion Specific Release (MSR) Developer, Evidence based.
With any suspected case of meniscus injury, it is critical to perform a complete physical examination. Physical examinations must include a thorough history, orthopedic testing and a neurological examination. Diagnostic imaging may also be a critical component when determining the degree of meniscus injury.
The following are common examination findings, which can indicate the presence of a meniscus injury:
Joint Effusion (increased intra-articular fluid): Caused by an increased level of fluids in the synovial cavity of the knee joint. Joint effusion could also indicate problems with the cruciate ligaments, or the articular cartilage.
Joint Line Tenderness: This is tenderness in the space (line) directly between your femur, and tibia. This line runs horizontally on both sides of your knee from the front to the back. Research has demonstrated very high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of both medial and lateral meniscus tears. (7) To read the rest of the article click here!