MEN:How Would You Like To Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes in 12 Weeks?
I received a call from my Godson, Ben on March 1, 2018, telling me that his dad had just passed away while undergoing surgery to have a heart stent put in. His father was my best friend from college, like a brother to me in so many ways - dead at 57 years of age.
The ironic ways in which life (or death) can work are absolutely amazing. Here was a man who was on vacation with his girlfriend because she needed to get away having just lost her own son to a drug overdose. It was not particularly a shock in the sense that her son had been dealing with these problems for a very long time, but it was a shock as losing a child is ALWAYS a shock, and now she had just lost her best friend and partner as well.
Richard's family had a history of heart problems as well as type 2 diabetes, though with all the doctors visits he had made in the past couple of years, not one of them told him he had heart disease. Why was he seeing multiple doctors in the first place? Because he was in terrific pain, mostly in his stomach which not one of the doctors could find the cause. For many years he suffered with gluten and dairy intolerance, not always careful about his diet, and he paid for it many times. However, not once was his heart noted as having any problem at all. That is why they call heart disease 'a silent killer.' Because you do not know when you have it.
Well, since Richard's death, I have been able to help men to reverse their type 2 diabetes - which can be done in 90% of the cases, though it is much easier to do if caught in the beginning of the disease process. It does not really matter how much one weighs, though it does matter very much that you are committed to regaining your health and vitality, willing to do whatever it takes to allow your body to heal, because it is the healing of the liver and the pancreas that are going to reverse this metabolic disorder.
I have made an informational video to explain the actual physiology in very easy to understand terms so that you can better understand the truth behind your type 2 diabetes because I can assure you with the studies to back this up, that your blood sugars are NOT the cause of the problem, merely a symptom of the problem.
In the video you will learn 5 ways to decrease your stress to start to help you regain your health. If you are a type 2 diabetic or know someone who is, this video could very well save a life. Unfortunately, I learned this information after Richard's death when I had a client call who was in distress over his just being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, placed on Metformin and hating the side-effects. All he wanted was to be off that crap, and we got his doctor to take him off it his numbers showing that he no longer required it.
We can celebrate Richard's life and all his dedication to helping those who could not help themselves in his job as a case manager for the developmentally disabled for close to 40 years by helping men such as himself to reverse their type 2 diabetes, with the appropriate understanding of their physiology, helping them gain a 'can do' attitude in the manner that only a highly skilled hypnotist/NLP practitioner can do, helping them to stick with the lifestyle changes till the body heals itself.
You can access the video for free here: