Believe it or not... Menada of the Fifth century B.C. was found in a duke’s grave of the tribe Agribians in the 1932. The Ahaian grave in Tetovo, as a perfect architectonic work of art, and unique of this period in the country, remained unresearched. The statuette has an image of a dancer, that took part in the Dionysiads, the largest celebrations honoring Dionysus, god of wine, and new vegetation and the awakening of spring. The statuette of almost 10 cm, has been painted with tin as a decoration of the handle of a broad bronze ornamental boiler for mixing wine and water, used in the rituals. Considering the stylistic features, it is a work of a skilled Greek master from Tiryns, modern southern Italy. Only two such Menadas have been found in Macedonia, one of which was found in a grave in Zdanec, Skopje area. It is located in the Museum of Macedonia in Skopje.