
Lt Gen PG Kamath (Veteran) 

Mao’s dictum; “Political Power grows out from the Barrel of a Gun”. The stronger you are; the more and more can be intimidated, more and more! China has become so powerful that it now indulges in power play with all the countries. “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men..."; yes, Lord Acton said it. Both the sayings are relevant to China and possibly to Mao and Xi?   


Recently, even a small Pacific Island Country; Palau located in the Western Pacific, 600 km to the East of the Philippines has been threatened by China to cut off ties with Taiwan. Imagine; Palau has spurned the threat and invited the US to exercise and station troops on the island. Palau is so small that its population is 21000 and its area is 180 Square miles. Palau has set the trend to stand up against China; remember David against Goliath? For other countries similarly placed it should become an English idiom: Palau against someone; stand up against intimidation by a bully. Even in schools, the biggest of bullies grow up to be weak, mean and selfish individuals, practising cowardice throughout their lives. Probably, nations also tend to behave like people? 


Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy with a population of less than a million. In 1998 China-Bhutan Bilateral Agreement affirmed respect to Bhutan’s territorial integrity. In 2017, China occupied the whole of Dokolam except the Western Portion that was contested by India; throwing to winds the Bilateral Agreement. A year ago, China laid claims to ‘Sakteng Wild Life Sanctuary’ in North Eastern Bhutan that borders India. China is in the habit of suddenly claiming a province of neighbouring countries as if it is ordering an additional item on the menu in a restaurant.   To trace the border disputes since 1984; four places were identified; Jakarlung, Pasamlung in North Bhutan, and Sinchulumpa and Dokolam in West Bhutan. Sino-Bhutanese dialogues had started in 1984 and since then 24 rounds have been held. Even in the 24th Round of Talk in Beijing in Aug 2016, the dispute over Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary did not figure. There never ever was a dispute on Sakteng throughout twenty-four rounds of discussions held over 26 years.

Let us consider, for instance, fresh evidence has been found to initiate the dispute; what was prudent is to send a missive to Bhutan Foreign Ministry with its observation with supporting documents so that the dispute is included in the agenda for the 25th Round of Talks? This would enable Bhutan to peruse the documents given by China to ascertain the validity of the new claim. Nothing so civil ever happens, when China deals with other countries. China true to its sophistry did not have the moral courage to straight talk with Bhutan. It went about in a circuitous route and raised the issue in the meeting of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in Washington in Jun 2020, while considering funding for Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary. All those present were taken aback and Bhutan was utterly perplexed. The World Bank which is a trustee of GEF cleared the project by noting China’s objections. Such is the way; China deals with smaller countries. The doctored map of its fresh claims was released to the press in the following days. A small country like Bhutan issued a Demarche to China. China had to lump it and probably is waiting for its vengeance? Incidentally, the claim is of 3000 Sq. Kms of an area that is not even contiguous to China.  

Czech Republic & EU

Czech Senate Speaker Milos Vystrcil visited Taiwan last year and the country was threatened by the Chinese Ambassador in Prague that China would retaliate against the Czech Companies operating in China. It was a clear and open threat. The letter of threat was so explicit that it would have been unacceptable to any country and least of all to the Czech Republic that had come out of the Soviet fold, less than three decades ago. China was asked to recall its ambassador from Prague.

In April 2021, the Chinese Foreign Minister on a visit to Germany threatened the Czech Republic on the same issue. It was supposed to be a veiled warning to all countries of the EU. The German foreign minister literally snubbed him for his boorish conduct that did not adhere to diplomatic norms. In response, a Czech Lawmaker Pavel Novotny has retorted in a letter; calling the Chinese foreign minister as “impudent, thoughtless, uncouth clown.” Later, in the letter he adds “Take a look at yourself! You will not f**k with us like that! Do not let it happen again!”. The ‘F’ word was repeated twice more in the last sentence of the letter. Though entertaining, it gives the resolve of the leadership in the country, not to remain in the shackles of China. Obviously, China wants to use its financial and military whip to discipline nations.

Similarly, in a separate incident, the Chinese Ambassador to France criticised the Lawmakers of the Country. The erring Ambassador was summoned by the French Foreign Office. The Chinese ambassador had also called Antonie Bondaz; a China Specialist in the Paris Based think tank as “a small-time hoodlum” and a “crazed hyena”; hardly a language used by diplomatic corps. He delayed answering the summons by citing scheduling problems. Ultimately, he had to honour the summons.  


Just a week back, the Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh threatened the country from joining Quad. First of all, there was no talk of Bangladesh wanting to join Quad. Quad is powerful enough and unofficially Britain and France are coordinating with Quad for a free and open Indo Pacific and to make a tangible contribution to the peace, stability and prosperity of the region. Britain has sent HMS Elizabeth an Aircraft Carrier with a flotilla to exercise with the US, Japan and South Korea. France has done a bilateral exercise with the Indian Navy in the Arabian Sea. France has also done an Exercise with India, the US, Japan and Australia in the Bay of Bengal. France is also currently participating in ‘Ex- Arc-21’ with Japan, Australia and the US near Kyushu Island. Germany is also sending a frigate to Indo Pacific to overcome the security challenges. Obviously, China is nervous and is taking prophylactic measures to discourage other countries of Indo-Pacific from supporting the Quad. Pakistan and Cambodia can sacrifice their sovereignty and be the client states to China but no self-respecting nations will hear China’s diktat. The Bangladesh Foreign Minister has snubbed China stating that as a sovereign country, Bangladesh will determine the course of its foreign policy in the interest of the people and urged the foreign envoys in Dhaka to maintain decency and decorum while speaking in public. 


Global Times dated 8 May 2021; the Chinese state-run outlet has threatened Australia with long-range missile strikes. It elaborates; “The plan should include long-range strikes on the military facilities and relevant key facilities on Australian soil if it really sends its troops to China’s offshore areas and combats against the PLA.” It is a warning to Australia not to send its forces to fight PLA as and when PLA invades Taiwan. Earlier China had called Australia chewing gum stuck to its shoes. It had also called it the running dog of the US. In response, Australia has accelerated the Missile program with the US ally. China by its bellicose statement has ensured that Australia joins the US in future conflict against China. Earlier, it was a possibility; however, now it is a certainty. Such threats go with the Chinese art of diplomacy in generating enemies; as if, it is deluged with friends?

It all stemmed from the Australian statement on wanting to know the source of Covid-19. Actually, Australia had spoken on behalf of the world. A pandemic that had ravaged the world with over 3.4 million deaths certainly cannot be disposed of without identifying its origins. If there was no secret to hide then China itself should be very keen to find out its origin, as well: It would help China and the rest of the world to take measures to nip similar viruses in the bud before it engulfs the world. What is there to hide? Why were the raw data and blood samples in originals not shared with the team from WHO? China; you can’t go on; as if nothing has happened and life becomes normal, as before. Please come out clean with it. You remain guilty and the onus of proof is on you. 


China has rubbished the verdict of UNCLOS, Permanent Court of Arbitration on the South China Sea and has trampled the sovereignty of littoral countries. A process of creeping invasion took place over the last two decades and the entire South China Sea has been taken over. The latest, the incursion in the Whitsun Reef in the EEZ of The Philippines with three hundred ‘Marine Militia Boats’ is part of the same invasion. The Foreign Minister of the Philippines, Teodoro Locsin tweeted: “China, my friend, how politely can I put it? Let me see…O…GET THE F**K OUT”. The boats are in Philippine waters for over two months and the excuse given by China was that they are fishing boats taking refuge from rough seas. Just look at the indignation aroused in smaller bordering countries at China’s expansionism.   

Other Disputes & Threats

Senkaku dispute with Japan in the East China Sea, maritime boundary dispute with Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, flagrant occupation of the South China Sea against the rule of international law are examples of China’s aggressive policy towards its neighbours. The dispute with India in Ladakh is another misadventure that China is finding difficult to extricate without loss of face.

Internally the treatment and incarceration of a million Uyghurs in Xingjian and imposition of new security laws in Hong Kong and changing the electoral representation rules have violated the Sino-British Treaty of 1984, which incidentally has been ratified by both countries. 39 Countries at The Third Committee of the UNGA at the UN Human Rights Council in Oct 2020 voiced grave concern about human rights in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. As also, the US, EU, Britain and Canada imposed collective sanctions against Chinese officials for HR abuses in Xinjiang.

The Chinese Ambassador to Canada, Cong Peiwu has warned the Canadian Government not to grant asylum to Hong Kong residents; it would be only at the cost of 300,000 Canadian citizens and Canadian companies doing business in Hong Kong. Hence, it should support the Chinese efforts to fight violence there. Such open threats by a country definitely indicate megalomania in its leadership. China has threatened India so many times that to put it on paper would only weary the reader; hence not covered. 


China’s charm offensive for overwhelming countries with its soft power has given way to ‘Wolf Warrior’ Diplomacy: In this concept, each diplomat has been insulting the lawmakers of the host countries with aggressive tweets and offensive statements. China perhaps does not realise that it is losing out on being a world power. There would not be any nation that would want to be friendly with China. It uses its military power and financial clout unabashedly on small countries. There is no magnanimity or benevolence which are sine qua non of Great Powers.   It is only confrontation, conflicts, coercion, trade sanctions, predatory economics, neo-colonisation, threats and repression. China; how many more enemies you want to make across the world? How far can you really go ahead with this deportment? Already some news is flashing that the CCP polit-bureau is questioning the third term for Xi; though he had crowned himself for life. May sane counsels prevail in China to get it out from its freefall to isolation. Otherwise, all democracies have already started uniting; war clouds are not far off! Historically the mankind produces a leader who will cause its destruction time and again. I will end with a quote by a German dramatist, Bertolt Brecht; in a satire on Hitler after his death: “Don’t yet rejoice in his defeat, you men! Although the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again”




Hitesh Mehta

Founder Director- Aahan (Inc) Singapore,Managing Director at Eagle Photonics & Fiber Optika Technologies and Business Head at Fiber Optic Sensing Solutions. SMIEEE,Fellow IETE, Fellow OSI, Chartered Engineer

3 年

I think it intimidates those also who don't even cross their path, just because of their expansionist mindset.

Vivek Shenoy

Lead Software Developer at Siemens Healthineers

3 年

No superlative would be commensurate for this article. Countries that are diminutive by size of landmass are standing up to the blind greed of this expansionist regime. Hope the bully will soon be shown its place.


Excellent analysis General Sir. Another warfare employed by China is the bloody virus they exported to the world.


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