Men and Women = Different
?? Trevor Perry
The Perspective Catalyst .. bringing empowering immersive street theater programs to your stage!
In the first edition of Never Iron When You Are Naked, I delved into perceived differences between men and women. Little did I know that this exploration would lead me on a profound soul search, guiding me towards a more inclusive perspective on understanding people beyond gender divisions.
Let me clarify that I acknowledge the existence of differences between men and women, without delving into sensitive areas like sexuality, sexual preference, or chosen gender. My aim is to shed light on the enlightening experiences that have shaped my journey thus far.
After presenting my session "No! No! Yes, and..." to various events, I was approached by women in the audience who expressed a desire to have this knowledge tailored specifically for them. My initial response was one of hesitation. As an old(er) white guy, how could I possibly understand the struggles faced by women? However, they emphasized that my insights and commonsense tips on negotiation were particularly valuable and sought-after.
Interestingly, one of my close female friends confided in me about the difficulty women often face in saying "No." Whether it's the wrong or right time, or the appropriate circumstances, many women find it challenging to assert themselves with a firm "No." While I recognize that generational differences might come into play, with younger women feeling more empowered to say "No," my friend emphasized that my Negotiating session was still sorely needed. Even those who already say "No" more often could benefit from the unique perspective I bring to the table.
It's essential to acknowledge that men also struggle with negotiating, but it cannot be denied that systemic misogyny continues to pose significant challenges for women.
In light of this, I am committed to offering fresh perspectives and unexpected tips in my session, "No! No! Yes, and..." My goal is to create a safe and empowering environment where women can embrace their power and enhance their negotiation skills.
For anyone seeking to strengthen their negotiation prowess or understand the intricacies of gender-related challenges, I invite you to explore more here. Together, let's move towards a future where empowerment knows no gender bounds.