"Men taking our rightful place"
Listening to Pastor love’s message I received understanding about the role of a man. Men can be stubborn, selfish, and inconsiderate. Pastor Love begin his word explaining Exodus (34:23-24) Pastor elaborated about how men are concerned more on girlfriends instead of being a husband. Committing to God and the plan God has for each man. As I listened to (love) I sat their thinking, why would I just want to waste any woman’s time reason even my time. Our time is something we cannot get back so if you have the objective to go into a relationship with ill-intent don’t even waste time. Anyhow the purpose of this article is not to allude about the message of Pastor love but not let men know how much power we really hold that God made us the head and not the tails. All men are created equal, the provider, the masculine gender.
We are King’s, so in your rightful place take up your throne with a strong lady beside you. Implementing the message of Pastor Love I want to leave you in thought about how men have trouble if you are unequally yoked with your lady. let this ponder upon you what kind of legacy do you want to leave with your children? your woman is the replica of you. The woman you commit to is what others perceive you to be. I thank Pastor love for his awesome word and I continue to develop the man in me.