Men On Purpose are ALWAYS Man Enough

Men On Purpose are ALWAYS Man Enough

Enough is such a loaded word in our culture - especially when paired with the words “Are You Man….Enough?” Cutting right to the core of a man this is a challenge that instinctually screams to be met with Fire & Fury (no pun intended).  Truth is though that if you are meeting this challenge with Fire & Fury at the core you are harboring a deep belief that you actually are not - man enough.  

Sadly too many boys and men are faced with this challenge and the false belief that they must “prove” themselves - to others and to the world.  Instead of building our men up and supporting them to be fully in touch with their own unique genius and greatness as a culture we perpetuate the patterns that actually erode and sometimes even eradicate that greatness in favor of conformity to a societal “norm” that’s simply no longer in service.

Rather than perpetuating this “Man Enough” myth - why don’t we instead seek - with deep respect and without judgement to look at each and every man and boy as “of value” simply for being exactly who they are - with all their skills, strengths, talents and gifts and AMPLIFY our focus on helping, loving and supporting them to express MORE of those inherent traits that are theirs and theirs alone to express in the world.  Instead of stripping men of their individuality, acute sensitivity, creativity and capacity to feel - feel for others as well as for themselves - let’s instead strip away all the false faces that we have asked them to put on at the expense of who they really are.  

Men On Purpose are ALWAYS Man Enough - because Men On Purpose have committed themselves to their own sovereignty.  They have committed themselves to be authentic - in the words of Polonius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet - “To Thine Own Self Be True”.  There are three distinct characteristics that define Men On Purpose and that define being aligned with this line from the play.

First Men On Purpose are CLEAR - Clarity is Divinity! They understand clearly who they are, why they are here and what they are called to undertake and contribute to the world.  

Second they are CREATIVE - willing to experiment with life, go outside the box to explore the unusual, and fully expressed both in creative endeavors as well as with their sexual energy where others - especially those who are still stuck in the “Man Enough” mode of capitulating to cultural/societal expectations - are unwilling to go.   

Finally they are COURAGEOUS - connected deeply and fully committed to where their own heart is leading them both in relationship as well as in their choice of career.  Simply stay COMMITTED to Clarity, Creativity & Courage in every area of your life and you will ALWAYS be Man Enough - and very likely even Legendary.

Emerald GreenForest - Founder & Lead Visionary of Creative Age Consulting Group & Hostess of the Men On Purpose Podcast works with multidimensional men who are called to be the Vanguard of the Creative Age. They are ready to make a leap and go deep in order to clear away everything in their life that no longer serves and to align themselves to leading like a legend. Check out the show and feel free to apply for an opportunity to be a guest on the Men On Purpose Podcast right here:

Richard Osmann

Director and CEO driving business growth and transformation

7 年

Yes! I'm glad I came across this post Emerald, great insights into professional training & coaching.


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