Men Notice First About Women

Men Notice First About Women

Women are sensitive, They over think every little thing and they care more than they should but that’s what makes their love so strong.

Men notice a lot of things about girls when they first meet them, even when it comes to casual meet-ups rather than dating.

Biologically speaking, men are hardwired to take note of certain parts of a woman’s body, her clothes, and even her posture when they first see her. By gearing up these parts of your body, you can increase your chances of getting a date - or just ward off creeps.

Men notice about a lady, and what really grabs their attention when you first meet them.

Your eyes tell us a lot about your personality. A sultry look, great eye makeup, and an overall “clear” look in the eye will make most men intrigued enough to want to talk to you.

Studies have even shown what kind of eye makeup men prefer seeing on women. According to scientists, light eyeliner, nude shadows, and a pinch of mascara is what you need in order to really get men going

Have you ever noticed your husband or boyfriend casting a glance at another woman’s cleavage or tight jeans?

 If you haven’t, then you probably haven’t been paying attention.

Now and then I have been asked thing like, “Is it normal that my husband was pointing out the college girls in short skirts at the restaurant last night?”

These women ask out of true curiosity, fear, confusion, anger, hurt and even amusement.

The simple answer is, “Yes.

Your Shoes. Even if he doesn’t have a foot fetish or a shoe fetish, chances are high that he’ll notice what you’re wearing. The right shoes can improve your overall dress look, and can also give your legs a little length.

Your Overall Attitude. Just like women can pick up on a man’s bad attitude, men pick up on women’s attitudes fairly quickly. A warm, friendly, playful and nurturing attitude will go far. Want to keep men at bay? Have an angry vibe.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.

Thank you …Your Skin. Universally speaking, clear skin is attractive. It’s an indicator of great health, good genes, and following a good diet.

Unsurprisingly, men notice when a woman’s complexion is awesome. If you’re looking to date, double up on moisturizer!

Your Smile. A very wise model once said that you’re never completely dressed without a smile.

When men see a woman who’s smile is warm and inviting, he takes it as a signal that you’re open for flirtation.

A good smile also tends to flag you as a nuturing, kind individual - just the type of person they’d want for a girlfriend.

Your Legs. Long legs, especially toned legs, are subconsciously viewed as a sign of good genetics. As a result, men tend to notice women’s gams a bit faster than you’d expect.

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Muscle Tone. While men may not like seeing a girl who’s ripped, they do like to see a woman who has a healthy amount of muscle on her body. It shows that she takes care of herself, and also can make her overall body shape look better.

Your Weight. Sorry, but it’s true. Men are geared to look for a mate with a healthy weight. The good news is that most men will find you very attractive as long as your BMI is at a healthy range. That being said, it’s a superficial attribute and if he’s hitting on you, it’s a sign you’re good to go.

Your Scent. Biologically speaking, people tend to pick their mates via smell. This isn’t something that you can really control, either. What gets men going is your pheromones - not your perfume.

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Your Breasts. Men are still men, even if they are romantic and notice your eyes first. Perky, decently sized breasts signal that you would be capable of feeding future children. Primal as it may be, it gets guys going.

Your Dress Style. Believe it or not, most men prefer to date a woman they deem “classy.” This means that you may need to limit the amount of skin you show. An excellent sense of style goes far for both genders, so go ahead and shop for the best outfit you can.

Lastly, He will notice Your Voice. Because nothing quite grabs a guy’s attention like saying, “Hello!”

As women, sometimes struggle to understand that most men can enjoy noticing the attributes of other women without it having any implications on his relationship with you.

If you talk to all of the men you know and they answer you honestly, they too will tell you that they cannot help but notice “a nice rack and a great rear end.”

Understand that I am making broad generalizations here. There are heterosexual men out there who don’t notice other women.

Many of these men have low libido due to either mental or physical concerns, keep their more lascivious thoughts to themselves, or have deeper issues that get in the way of their sexual freedom. The guys I’m talking about are your average red-blooded males. 

Is it crude? Possibly. Is it a reality? Definitely.


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