Men Get Real Advice About Hair Loss. Women Are Sold “Fluff”
Applying "Poo" to Hair is Like...Well, You Know!

Men Get Real Advice About Hair Loss. Women Are Sold “Fluff”

Hysterically funny, sadly true

A clever and embarrassingly insightful new television commercial illustrates the frustration women have with the doctors they turn to for hair loss answers.

I will take creative liberty with the ad’s concept to summarize how it relates to female hair problems:

The patient is examined by a “Dr. Spinner” (white coat and all!) and is alarmed at the puzzled look on the physician’s face. Concerned, she asks him for a diagnosis. The doctor confesses he doesn’t know the cause of the women’s hair problem!

The lady, despondent with his reply, says, “so what should I do?”

The physician flashes a big smile and turns to reach into a carton next to his desk and pulls out a bottle labeled, “Dr. Spinner’s Magic Elixir!”

Surprised, the patient asks, “will this help me?”

Dr. Spinner says, “Maybe. It’s helped others!”

This illustration resonates with the millions of those afflicted with increasing hair loss and who look to their physician to help them “fix” the problem, only to learn they have no answers. Treatments for ordinary hair loss are not something studied widely in medical school.

“Try This” is not the same as sound clinical advice.

Some 40% of women over 40 who experience noticeable hair thinning are highly motivated to seek answers for this annoying… and often debilitating problem. Without clear answers, females often opt for temporary treatments with “sham-poos” and such they can buy at salons and drugstores.

More problematic however, are damaging “fixes”, such as hair goods applications (such as extensions) that aggravate hair loss, or “straighteners” that can cause scalp damage. And, in the most extreme case, women who make rash decisions for poorly planned and executed scalp surgery can suffer a lifetime of regret.

For Men, hair is a “want”. For Women, it’s a “need”!

50% of men over 30 experience significant balding. Our society says: “suck it up”. Some shave their heads for a macho-look”. Others, often secretly, resort to hair transplantation, or “cover-ups”(i.e., hairpiece).

Women, however, are not afforded the same options. They can’t simply ignore hair loss. They might spend hours with creative styling techniques and untold hours worry about “how their hair looks”.

Men, on the other hand, can forget to comb their hair all day and think nothing of it, while their female counterparts are “inventorying” their hair many times a day. Ladies check, primp, smooth, brush and play with it unconsciously. One need only drive down the road to observe women doing this behind the wheel (while talking on the phone). Yikes!

Let’s face it, men can be bald in our society without much scrutiny. Women, even with common diffuse thinning, lose their sense of beauty with less than stellar hair. Because hair loss is often perceived as a sign of illness or poor health, the emotional impact of deteriorating hair can be devastating for a female.

As a young lady in my clinic once said, “losing your hair is like losing a part of your soul”! Believe me, I get it. I’ve counseled thousands of women about their hair and the raw emotion that is expressed is unforgettable.

The impact of this condition drives women to spend considerable money on cosmetic products, as well as wigs and extensions. Some choose hair surgery…an option that should be carefully considered, as it is not a good idea for many females.

Billions Spent on Temporary Hair “Fixes”

For Men, Hair is a "Want". For Women, Hair is a "Need"

As I write about in a separate blog about how marketing influences the buying habits of ladies with hair problems. Studies as early as the 1980’s show that the concerned female hair loss sufferer typically asks her hair stylist in the hope he or she knows how to fix a thinning problem. Unfortunately, most hair technicians chiefly learn only about the plethora of “miracles-in-a-bottle” that representatives of product companies push.

In this era, however, the trend and availability to find real answers is improving dramatically.

However, hair “thickeners” are a highly profitable business. Millions of dollars spent on marketing for “sham-poo”, results in billions of dollars of profits for the companies that are guilty of spreading the myth their products “fix” thin hair.

With the right research, sufferers can learn about the number of non-invasive treatments that are available that more permanently solve the appearance of weak, fine hair. That’s the mission of my Hair Loss Dossier; not to sell products and services, but to refer those in need to caring and competent hair restoration professionals.

For instance, a new trend, SMP, or Scalp MicroPigmentation (discussed and illustrated in the book) is becoming a more popular and provides a safe and simple way to hide bald areas. Much like the concept of disguising bare scalp with powders and concealers temporarily, SMP creates a permanent appearance of fuller hair.

Hair transplant surgery…while good for some…is contraindicated for many females because it does not provide more hair. Surgical hair restoration is not like planting plugs of grass on your lawn and expecting it to spread! Transplants simply re-distribute what you already have. On the right person with good hair resources, it can work well.

One can regenerate the growth of dormant hair and increase the volume of weak, fine strands. My book outlines a regimen I call, Hair Preservation, for maximizing and keeping what you already have. This concept is based on understanding that no method provides NEW hair or returns what has been already lost. Rather it focuses on maintaining and optimizing the hair you currently have.

Hair Preservation is about stimulating production of the hair follicle from within the scalp. Unlike applying some topical treatment to a hair shaft that is by definition “NOT alive”, this is like fertilizing the roots of a flower, not watering it after its dead!

I am a huge fan of new and effective science-based nutritionals, Laser Hair Therapy (LHT) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). I’m also following the results of a treatment long used in Asia that is now FDA-cleared in the U.S. Called PDO Threads, this procedure used biodegradable fibers that are applied under the skin, to stimulate hair growth.

It’s Up to You. I’m here to help.

The summary of my story is: forget miracles and shortcuts. Only a hair health regimen… Hair Preservation…combined with valid treatment options designed to maximize the growth cycles of hair and prevent it’s deterioration will solve hair loss long-term and provide hair you can be proud of.

That concept recognized that each hair grows, rests and sheds in a regular cycle of, ideally, 2–6 years. By keeping the hair follicle in its optimum active growing stage, the patient allows it to become thicker and longer, as well as to increase the appearance of a fuller hair population.

After you’ve insured you are on a path of proper hair health, you may find you are a candidate for surgical or semi-permanent options.

To help you learn more, I want provide you a copy of my book…For Free… and to extend an invitation to spend some time chatting with you for a personal hair evaluation. I enjoy seeing how I can help and providing you my experienced advice. To get a free book and have a chat, email me at [email protected].

Stay up to date on my newest content: visit my Facebook page John Vincent’s Hair Loss Dossier.


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