Men and Female patern hair loss
Daniel Bernardo De Uranga Cuervo
CEO and President at De Uranga Hair Center México
Hair loss is not only an aesthethic issue , it can be a symptom for several deseases.
it is true that the principal reason for hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia , in women there are other reasons, that should be seen by a medical expert.
Once you are sure you dont have any health condition, Diabetes, hormonal deseases , need a vitamin and you are looking for a cure you should know
There is no cure for Men or female pattern baldness, but there are plenty of options for those who want to disguise the condition.
a.- you could go the hair transplant route. Hairs are “harvested” from the back of your head and transplanted into the bald regions of your scalp. This grafting has a good success rate, although the hairs from another part of your head don’t grow the way your original hair did.
b.- You can ask your hairdresser to recommend styles that hide balding areas.
c.- A good wig gives a woman confidence – and may even look better than her actual hair.
d.- Hats, headscarves and even turbans are fun items to wear without revealing baldness, and wig shops sell such products with natural-looking fringes of hair attached.
e.- In case of an androgenetic hair loss some people can try over-the-counter Minoxidil, which may hinder hair loss and promote new hair growth. It’s important to start Minoxidil when you first notice hair loss, rather than waiting until the hair is virtually gone.
If you or someone you know would like to learn more about hair loss and how to treat it, please feel free to schedule a consultation with me in our clinic in México city or via whatsapp 52 1 5528649424