Men of Faith

Mankind is meant to create, both with their body and mind because that creates balance within. It keeps your mind and body healthy.

You create by thinking and that leads to becoming intelligent. You also create by instinct and that is art. When you combine both, it becomes a miracle. Your work could be engineering, a skill deployed that you have learned or even truly in the creative i.e. music, painting, etc.

Mankind Is Born To Create. To produce out of his own abyss; results to improve his own life and as a byproduct, lives of those that live with him, in own environment or connected to it.

That is life.

We have forgotten this and therefore the goal has shifted from creation, effort and result to making money by any means. The love, passion, thought, intellect that goes into creation is altogether gone. It is missing. The benchmark for a successful human being today is now twisted to how much money are you making and not how you are making it. Every coward justifies this in his own mind, one way or the other. Work has now become routine and is a way to make money with no pleasure in it and with routine comes boredom which kills all the good things that come from creation.

Your Body & Brain function in two ways, either they grow and develop when you put them to work or they stagnate when your quest is only short term comfort. There is no middle ground. Today the world is alive due to the thinkers, activists, scientists, musicians, singers and other creators, adventurers whom are delivering on creation.

Look all around us, depravity, pollution, waste, sickness, lies, dishonesty, noise, low standards of thought and why is that? Because the frustration of not being able to create adds up and leads you not to care anymore, the focus of interest turns from inwards to outwards and you justify every decision in your own head, whether right or wrong and then look for happiness which one cannot find. Depravity kicks in and every illogical aspect starts making sense because others who are like you believe it too and it gives a sense of comfort that you are part of a group so logical reasoning is out and a belief system created by your insanity is in. If you have stopped caring for your life, why would you care for those around you? And then why would others care for yours as well?

It is time now to look inwards, look within. Sort the mess that you either already are and or are on the way to becoming. Stop, look at yourself. Are you learning, thinking, experimenting and creating? If you are not then you are on the wrong path because you are not adding anything to yourself, you are just whiling away time which is a gift because you don’t know when you will lose that opportunity?

Create your heaven by giving life all you have got through Creation.

Creation is love, it is passion, it is life.

A Creator discovers and shows the way to creating atomic energy so that life should become better and a non-creator builds a bomb out of it. This is the difference.

Be a Man of Faith. Your Belief System should be Creation – Internal and External. When I say creation, it is of attributes like learning, pondering, meditation, taking care of your body and mind, creative pursuits, science, art, engineering, business; build your life around it. Deliver Positive Results - Create. Add to the World!

You will then connect with the Universe and once you do, the path is irreversible and you will see your world change.

Raj Sukheja

P.S. Please share with those who may need to hear these words.

Question how does one become man of faith your talking about without my real me / my spirit man inside my legals flesh & bloods body to be here on Earth?


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