

Viewed the new Elvis film, I once, 17 years ago visited Memphis for a Game convention, Mid South Con, for Wizards of the Coast. I was an Art Director at the time for Magic: The Gathering. I was so surprised at how cold it was for Spring, I had to go into town to get some new long sleeve layers. So many shops were shuttered, there was a big wind blowing through and it felt deserted. I visited Graceland that evening and was surprised at how modest in size the house actually was compared to the mansions they build now- and I felt better about how he saw himself, he never left that shattered young boy from a very poor background living in a Shanty town outside Memphis. He never had a proper education or a way of learning beyond his velvet voice and moves, but while I can't forgive him for some of the things he did, he made the most of a very hard life and so many people took advantage of his naivety. He is a Capricorn like me- true leaders and good speakers- just in different ways. He is a true rags to riches American story. So there you go. I leave it here. Next week I will do another Capricorn leader.


