The memory test (+ a few helpful links)
Years back, my wife was traveling in interior Tamil Nadu when her purse was stolen. This was before the era of Gpay. She was stranded in a place where she didn't know anyone. She explained her plight to a total stranger who was kind enough to give her money so she could get to the next town. You don't forget these things.
Here's a small list of people who pass the memory test:
a) Someone who lent you a hand when things were down
b) Someone who called you out on your crap and then helped you make things better
c) Someone who knew what you were capable of and harnessed your ability
d) A stranger who helped you
e) Somone who shielded you when you needed a breather
f) Someone who connected you to someone or something that made things better
g) The teacher who made a subject interesting
h) Someone who shares your energy and enthusiasm
i) Someone who helped you see the light
We encounter more people than we can count. And only a few of them pass the memory test. Odds are, they made things better for you in some way and lifted you to higher ground.
In the current situation, we're seeing total strangers come to the aid of one another. I will be using this space to highlight whatever I come across on social media channels. There are many links and countless folks doing spectacular work. Will share a few of them here and add to them in future posts.
i) A form I came across asking for mental health professionals to volunteer (it seems to be closed now but has a mail id you can write to) -
ii) A form asking for volunteers -
iii) A list of causes you can donate to -