Memory Forensics Analysis with Volatility | TryHackMe Volatility [Updated]
The post provides a detailed walkthrough of using ?Volatility, a forensic analysis tool, to investigate a memory dump and identify malicious processes. This post also provides the walkthrough of TryHackMe Volatility room.
Key Steps
1. Identifying the Operating System Profile
volatility -f <memory_dump>.vmem imageinfo
2. Listing Running Processes
volatility -f <memory_dump>.vmem --profile=<OS_profile> pslist
3. Detecting Hidden Processes
volatility -f <memory_dump>.vmem --profile=<OS_profile> psxview
4. Analyzing Process Modules
volatility -f <memory_dump>.vmem --profile=<OS_profile> ldrmodules
5. Dumping Suspicious Processes
volatility -f <memory_dump>.vmem --profile=<OS_profile> procdump -p <pid> -D <output_dir>
6. Analyzing Dumped Files
Upload dumped files to online malware analysis tools like:
7. Investigating API Hooks
Check for unexpected or unknown API hooks, often a sign of process injection.
volatility -f <memory_dump>.vmem --profile=<OS_profile> apihooks
Findings and Highlights
Identified Malicious Processes:
Behavior of Malicious Processes:
Recommendations for Further Analysis
Offline Tools:
Correlate Findings:
Report Findings:
Let me know if you need further details or additional help with memory forensics!
TryHackMe Volatility | Room Answers
Room answers can be found here.
Video Walkthrough