In Memory of Aharon Kleiman
Raphael Cohen-Almagor
Director, MESC, University of Hull; Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC; President, Association for Israel Studies; Fellow, IIAS
I was saddened to receive the news about the death of my beloved teacher Professor Aharon Kleiman.
I first met Aharon in 1983, in my first year as BA student at the Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University. Aharon taught International Relations. His qualities came across clearly. A quiet, professional, industrious, knowledgeable and pleasant man who masters his field and who is keen to teach and empower students. Aharon was a model teacher. He would invest many hours of his time to speak to students. I do not recall he ever missed his allocated student hours. His office was at the end of the corridor, away from the crowds. His door was always opened, during student hours and also during regular hours. He would always welcome people with a smile, inviting them to seat and listen to what they have to say.
I was happy to spend more time with Aharon during my MA studies. For two years, I was a tutor in International Relations and I also wrote an extensive seminar paper in his elective course on balance of powers. Aharon was always attentive, learned, polite and most helpful. The perfect scholar/teacher.
The topic I chose for my essay was my first war, the Six Day War. I wanted to understand who had an interest in starting the war and concluded that it was a war that no one wanted. My essay was of the size of Master’s dissertation and included interviews with senior decision-makers, among them Israeli foreign minister during the war, Abba Eban, Maj-Gen Aharon Yariv, and Deputy Chief of Staff Ezer Weizman with whom I kept in touch for many years. Aharon did not complain about the volume of my paper. He was impressed with my research, wrote in his clear handwriting constructive comments, gave me a very high mark and encouraged me to pursue doctoral studies. At the same time, he also recommended me to senior people, urging them to hire my services in case I decide not to pursue a doctorate. He did this without me asking, on his own volition. I became aware of his involvement only when I was invited, out of the blue, to a job interview which I did not seek. This was a pleasant surprise which I appreciated. I thanked Aharon for his trust and support.
Aharon loved Washington and had a continued visiting professorship at Georgetown. As I, too, love Washington, we met in the American capital and kept in touch. All his letters were always kind, encouraging and supportive, as this was the man.
Aharon was the author and editor of 22 books on diplomatic history, the role of the major powers in international order, the involvement of the United States and the USSR in the Israeli-Arab conflict, Israel's defense exports, geopolitics and international security. His last book, Statecraft in The Dark: Israel's Practice of Quiet Diplomacy, was published in 2020.
Aharon received his doctorate from Johns Hopkins University. From 1969 until he became Prof. Emeritus in 2007 he taught at Tel Aviv University. Thousands of students were fortunate to benefit from his knowledge and wisdom. Many of his students became important players in Israeli society, assuming significant responsibilities.
In addition to Georgetown, Aharon was a visiting professor at the universities of Chicago, Denver, California, Los Angeles, Brown, and the University of Dublin, Ireland. He was also an activist and in his quiet way tried to promote concerns that were close to his heart: the status of Israel in the international community, diplomacy, Judaism, tolerance, conflict resolution and peace. During his long and distinguished career, Aharon held informal meetings between Israeli representatives and representatives from Arab states and the Palestinian Authority within the parallel channel track two diplomacy.
Aharon Kleiman: Scholar, teacher, a model to follow. May his soul rest in peace.