Memories from the opening of THE TENNESSEAN Hotel.
In 2016 I had the pleasure being a part of the opening team of THE TENNESSEAN Hotel.
Being selected to be the Head Butler of the opening to this beautiful hotel and the first Butler in Knoxville TN, employed with an extraordinary team will remain a great honor.
As it’s my day off I have got some time to organizing my files and I came across one of the photos for the opening management team in an amazing moment when Stephen Bello said let’s have some ice cream to celebrate the opening of the Governor Suite as it was his idea to always have ice cream in the Butler fridge so I did ran to the butler’s pantry got it then we shared a beautiful moment celebrating what we have accomplished, so I thought to share it along with some of the best photos to this unforgettable opening.
In the photo MK | Jeff Carmack | Jared Long | Stephen Bello |Bailey Vochatzer
Here we go...
MK Butler Final Cleaning to the Butlers Pantry at the Governor suite.
Jared Long | Stephen Bello - Getting the lobby ready for opening.
Great time at the THE TENNESSEAN Hotel with a great team.
Always|MK Butler