Jay Lawrence
former talk host KTAR Now member of state legislature. Elected to Arizona House Of Representatives
Memorial Day 2020. I am watching WW2 Air Wars. 1943. Trying to soften up the Germans for Dday. B17s flying missions too long for their fighter escorts fuel supply.The bombers had to fly without fighter escorts. Losses were dramatic. Two missions 200 B17s and their crews lost. Luftwaffe shooting our airmen trying to parachute to safety. One B17 has both engines gone, electrical system out. Machine gunner in belly bubble can not escape bubble without electric system. Plane crash lands gunner trapped, crushed. 1944 700 bombers and fighters first attack on Berlin. 69 bombers lost. These were fighters who saved America. They knew the enemy, could see them and destroyed them. I think of my fairly safe U S Air Force career. It does not even come close to those freedoms for which they fought and died.., OUR LIBERTY. Our freedom to choose, the life we live today. AND what are the wars today? We fight each other. The left wing in America trying to destroy those freedoms over which world wars were fought. WE must keep fighting for our America. The America for which so many have given their lives.