Memorable Moments in the History of AMC
Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC)
Our mission is to foster & promote the growth & development of the ag equipment manufacturing industry in Canada.
1969 - Industrial Development Officer Bart Drope from the Saskatchewan Department of Industry and Commerce, chaired a meeting that led to the foundation of PIMA.
The 1970s
1970 - PIMA was founded at the end of February. Manufacturers now had a platform to share their challenges and successes. PIMA's first annual convention was held in Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, with 39 attendees from the prairie provinces.
1972 - The first PIMA newsletter, Factory Action, was distributed. The association was invited to appoint two representatives to the University of Saskatchewan's Automation in the Agricultural Industry program.
1973 - Work started on lobbying provincial governments to implement a uniform commercial code, like those in many American states. Work also urged fair legislation to all industry segments to protect PIMA's small manufacturers.
1975 - The 5th annual convention was held in Winnipeg and included information sessions and tours of plants. The PIMA Pulse replaced Factory Action as the association's newsletter and was published monthly thanks to financial backing from the Morris Rod-Weeder Company. PIMA also hired its first full-time manager in August, Ivan Thue.
1977 - The annual convention added its first-ever trade show and the association hired its first full-time secretary.
1979 - The annual convention was held in Winnipeg. The last several years were exceptional for prairie farmers and as a result over 400 delegates attended.
The 1980s
1980 - The 10th anniversary convention was held in Regina with 535 people attending a celebratory banquet.
1981 - After five years of campaigning a complete overhaul of the excise tax classification system for farm equipment was finalized. A reduction in the levies from the Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board was realized for farm machinery manufacturers.
1983 - A group of PIMA members travelled to France to display their products at the Salon International de la Machine Agricole. Several steps were taken to open international markets.
1985 - A video program, sponsored by PIMA and the Federal Department of Regional Industry Expansion, was Launched to help 53 PIMA members increase export sales using professional videos of their products. Years of advocacy started to pay off with a reduction in workers' compensation rates in Alberta.
1987 - A discussion on changing the association's name was raised but rejected by members.
1989 - A strong advocacy push was initiated to pressure the Canadian and American governments to remove the new U.S. Harmonized Customs System. The American government had imposed a. special duty on traditionally tariff-free agricultural equipment products. PIMA and 1 the Canadian government signed a memorandum of understanding committing them to work together in developing three critical areas new product development, improved productivity, and new market female development. PIMA also elected it's first female president, Adeline Morris, from Morris Industries.
The 1990s
1990 - "Celebration of the Future" was the theme for the 20th anniversary convention, which was held in Calgary. PIMA introduced the idea of using robotics in manufacturing.
1991 - The association offices moved to Scarth Street in Regina.
1992 - PIMA provided members with an overview of NAFTA to prepare them for the implications of the new trade deal.
1994 - The association continued to work for more international markets, including Mexico. The 25th PIMA convention was celebrated with "Breaking New Ground" as its theme.
1996 - The association launched its first website and actively encouraged members to do the same. PIMA also launched the magazine Implement Success.
1997 - Trade missions were made to Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and the U.S. The PIMA office moved to the Canada Centre building on the exhibition grounds in Regina.
1998 - The PIMA welding program was adopted in Alberta while the same course in Saskatoon held its first Aboriginal-focused class.
The 2000s
2000 - The association began lobbying against dealer purity and was looking at a market in Northern China where larger equipment was needed.
2001 - PIMA provided useful information for members on getting the most out of being a trade show exhibitor and creating an excellent website.
2002 - Members received education on lean manufacturing and on exporting to various countries.
2005 - The PIMA board unanimously passed a motion to move towards a new name, they shortlisted CAAM (Canadian Association of Agricultural Manufacturers) and AMC, to better reflect and project a national identity.
2007 - The name change to AMC was completed along with a new logo and website.
2009 - The association focused on helping members market their products and worked towards the removal of American and Russian tariffs on farm equipment.
The 2010s
2010 - The association celebrated its 40th anniversary and encouraged members to connect with customers on social media.
2011 - The educational component of the AMC convention and trade show was expanded.
2015 - A strategic plan was developed and titled "The Voice of Agricultural Manufacturing in Canada".
2016 - AMC took its lobbying efforts to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to discuss its agenda and the importance of innovation and international trade in the agricultural manufacturing industry.
2017 - Proposed changes to tax laws led to the formation of the Coalition for Small Business Tax Fairness. AMC joined forces with several other organizations for the initiative.
2019 - "Re!magination Spotlight" was added to Implement Success to share member success stories highlighting the changing manufacturing landscape.
AMC celebrated its 50th anniversary a time to reflect on the association's history and look ahead to the future. AMC provided resources to members to help them adapt and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is our original article - to read it in the entirety of the magazine please read online here: