Memoirs of GB Episode 30: Live a King Size Life, but is it measured by Premium or Purpose ?
Dr.Dinesh Chandrasekar (DC)
Chief Strategy Officer & Country Head, India, Centific AI | Nasscom Deep Tech ,Telangana AI Mission & HYSEA - Mentor & Advisor | Alumni of Hitachi, GE & Citigroup | DeepTech evangelist |Author & Investor| Be Passionate
All of us want to live our Life “the King size” after all this the only life we are bestowed with in our times. The idea of living life king size is a most cherished aspiration, but our definition of King’s Life needs a reference. Going by the word “King” it means ruling the world but how do we want to rule the world, is it with pleasure or with a purpose. To me, every great soul who walked in this world and made this world a better place is a “King” in his/her accord. Be it Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Karl Marx, or those little-known humanitarians who walk just beside us every day.
We have reached point in this world where resources are finite and how do we use and share these world resources is going to define our future in this planet. The global goals for sustainable development (See the pic) in this article is the most crucial goals before us to decide what kind of world we are going to leave behind to our generation next. This article is not definitely about promoting these goals but to see the "truth behind this Ask to everyone".
?Let’s pause for a minute or two and look around what’s happening, there is a divide in this world and it’s not of equal proportion of resource share. Most must haves, comfort and lifestyle are with less than billion people and rest of the 6.5 billion are living in a world which has meagre resources for most of the population. We cannot just say that people who live in urban have the access to all resources, in fact the urban population which lives in a substandard state is far higher than the population which live in rural areas.
?I would like to take my life as an example and see how I reflect on any these goals. It’s an introspection and probably you can put yourself in the same shoes I am wearing. I work for a reputed multinational company in the capacity of senior leader, The sole focus of my professional life is how do we create some innovative solutions which can solve the business problems for our customers either in terms of increase in revenue, reduction of cost or to help them create a runway for the business for next couple of years or how to beat their competition. All said and done, this what millions of IT & Consulting professionals are doing mostly for the business in the countries outside their residence? Is this not something useful or value add to me and my organization, absolutely but how much of impact our lives create to make this planet to inch another 100 years without scarcity of the life resources, I doubt. The Best of minds and Intellectual capital of this world is working for companies to make them richer and make their market capital reach few more billions. Is this wrong? Absolutely not, its required to create the wealth that is required to invest in this planet but is that wealth available or routed to make these goals happen, I would say very little. There is enough capital but what translate to social capital is a question.
?There is report from global agency (don’t want to name anyone specifically) that 33 % of the billions of dollars allocated for this social capital goes back again to the rich capitalist and Administrators /politicians in terms of over and above the money for the service provided. There is an inefficiency, corruption and you can call it whatever you want but the truth is we are taking the money out which is given for good cause. I am not for charity in fact the people and organization who are playing a critical role in solving the world challenges must be rewarded the Best, this must be the Best Paid in the world and all the great talents must aspire to work for the organizations solving these Global challenges but what I am against is unaccounted money spent for nothing but just for the sake showing in books that we spent so much of CSR funds.
?The irony of this growth is today’s young minds don’t even see this is as a problem, they are self-obsessed with career growth, premium lifestyle, and they ready to spend a premium in putting a safety circle around them so none of these poor and dreadful effects of pollution/corruptions affect them. Today's young generations are also educated to go north and without an iota of concern for these global goals. During August 2015, when a six-year-old boy fell into a 300-feet deep bore well in Bagalkot, (India) all efforts by experts of the National Disaster Relief Force (NDRF) went in vain. They were able to retrieve the dead body only after a few days. This is not one of isolated incident. almost 30+ children met the safe fate in the last 2 years, A country like India, which spends millions of dollars in launching rockets and satellites to space for the commercial & national needs fail to invest in technology that would rescue millions during flood, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. I can site millions of examples not only in India, but this is also pervasive across the underdeveloped and developing nation. The one dreadful challenge which we will see during our lifetime is the scarcity of water to drink (leave alone for other purposes), there will be water wars across the globe and between the states / districts in the same country. The Best of the minds will still depend on their wallet to service these needs rather than to apply their mind and intellect to solve this problem.
?So, what’s the solution, are we here just to blame and do nothing to solve these problems. We must take a step forward, each of one of us have that moral & ethical responsibility to do something concrete to solve these challenges. I strongly advocate each of us to pick one or two global goals and start applying our mind, probably in next few months we will figure out what we can do and what we can lend as a support to the global & local organizations which are working towards the solutions.
?Let the problems come from anywhere but the solutions will come from us.Simple but powerful approach, this requires daily thinking and small amount of effort & time from every one of us. There is a way and it’s on the way.
Dinesh Chandrasekar DC*
P.S: All views expressed here are my personal views and opinion and have no bearing to the organization I work.?