Memoir Writing
This course is for all-level writers contemplating a memoir. Break open your concepts of memory and identity, while illuminating the cathartic power of reflecting on your past. The course offers writing prompts to preserve memories from your entire life. It’s important to know not only how to write about your experiences, but also how to structure and translate them into an unforgettable memoir. Together, we will learn how to structure your stories, develop storytelling skills, while offering tips and techniques in order to best adapt your life stories and reflect with a chronological fashion.
19591 - 005
Writing Memoir Live Online
Jun 03, 2021
Thursdays, 1 to 3 pm - June 3 to July 8th, 2021
Time; 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Fee non-credit$75.00 Click here to get more information
- Instructors, Stacey B. Lane
- Register; (505) 277-0077
- [email protected]