Memoir of a Nascent Optimist
Winson Gabriel Tay
Assistant Manager @ IMDA | Social Media Management, Content Creation
Gratitude and Optimism
When I first heard that Adrian Pang is the Creative Director for this year's NDP; I didn't think much of it other than knowing Adrian is an actor who is the founder of a theatre company and has an Ang Moh wife. But after reading this heartfelt CNA article today, I can appreciate the man more now as his journey resonates well with me. My biggest takeaway from his personal story is his two words, Gratitude and Optimism.
For those who know me, like many I was one of those who were hit hard at the onset of the dreaded global pandemic when I was displaced from my employment at Samsung due to my poor sales performance amid the uncertain Covid-19 situation in 2020 as the company was going through restructuring. Am I grateful for the pandemic? My initial response was a resounding no but in hindsight, I am grateful for Covid jolting me out of my comfort zone as change was something I tend to resist. For without SARS-CoV-2 , I wouldn't have been able to reskill myself successfully in Digital Marketing and change my career trajectory from Sales to Marketing. Therefore I am indeed grateful for my career transition journey and all the people I have met and gotten to know along my journey.?
Adrian Pang shared that Optimism is a choice and is something he is not normally predisposed to. For me, that's certainly a case of preaching to the choir. The last 2.5 years were certainly no cakewalk for me. Hence being an optimist took a fair bit of concentrated effort and was a daily struggle, albeit it is still a work in progress.
Alas, after a year of being gainfully employed, I found myself back in the fray as I've resigned from ZAL Interiors and left on good terms. I'm grateful to the Bosses at ZAL Interiors for the opportunity to contribute in the areas of marketing and social media strategies to build brand awareness and a positive reputation in the digital space for the company. Hence began my career transition version 2.0, although I dare say this time I've gotten more interviews compared to my job searches in 2020 to 21 (although the occasional ghosting by hirers still exists) as I've managed to hone my Job Search Strategies by applying what I've learned; thanks to Workforce Singapore and e2i. I've just attended my very first Career Fair yesterday organised by WSG @ Kampong Chai Chee Community Club and it was an eye-opening experience for me as I met with employers on-site to showcase my fit for the Marketing roles available. Certainly looking forward to attending other upcoming Job Fairs while I continue on with my job search journey. Wish me Luck!
It is important to remember that, beyond measure, life is abundant and overflowing with opportunities. We should never underestimate the power of gratitude and optimism. Gratitude and optimism can be two powerful tools that help us cope with all of life's challenges, including those resulting from a pandemic. In the midst of the chaos, it is important for us to find strength and take a deep breath, and remind ourselves that there is always a way forward, and a reason for hope.